Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Prosecutors Charge Man with DUI in Ocean City Rollover Accident

A man from Parkville was taken into custody by arresting officers belonging to the Ocean City Police Department for suspected drunken driving after he caused a car accident in which his car turned turtle, as reported by wbaltv.com. Worcester County, MD DUI lawyers have seen DUI cases like this many times before.

The suspect has been identified as 21year old Raymond S. Dashiell. According to the police report pertaining to the accident, Dashiell ploughed into two parked cars at substantial speeds right along Baltimore Avenue and then drove into a curb which caused his car flip and land on its roof on the median strip.

Dashiell was subjected to field sobriety tests after the accident in which he did not fare well and was taken into custody for suspected drunken driving.

Dashiell was charged with a DUI, reckless driving, and other traffic violations. He has been released on his personal recognizance and now awaits his hearing. Ocean City, MD DUI lawyers point out that first time offenders can have their driver's license suspended up to 6 months, face 1 year in jail, and pay fines and penalties ranging from $500 to $1,000.

No one is perfect. If you have been written up for a DUI, click right here DUI-USAttorneys.com. This is not Russia or Cuba, you still have rights. This website and other break through websites are what make the Internet so valuable to humankind.

Maryland DUI Laws will Lead to a Rise in Interlock Usage Says Experts

New DUI legislation which has passed the assembly and will go into effect later in the year in Maryland which will cause more traffic congestion on busy roads as reported by 
heraldmailmedia.com. However, experts including Maryland DUI attorneys agree that it is a small price to pay in exchange for making the roads much safer for everyone. But is not really clear on how this new law will increase congestion.

The laws will essentially make life harder for anyone that decides to get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle after having consumed alcohol. Firstly, the laws will make penalties harsher for drunk driving offenders and secondly, will make difficult for anyone pulled over on suspicion of driving under the influence to refuse being subjected to sobriety testing. If they do, the penalty is even worse than receiving a DUI. Now you better take that test.

Though it is better not to drink and drive in the first place.

The law is termed as Noah’s Law in remembrance of Montgomery County law enforcement officer Noah Leotta who was struck by a drunk driver while conducting a traffic stop on a suspected impaired driver.

Under the new laws, Worcester County, MD DUI lawyers point out that even first time offenders will lose their licenses for a minimum period of 180 days. If the convicted drunk driver wants an alternative to the 180 day license suspension, then he or she will have to oblige to have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle.

You need Lawyer in Your Life Now

A DUI is a criminal offense punishable by law and a person convicted of DUI faces severe legal consequences which include prison time, hefty fines, installation of ignition interlock devices, etc. There will also be other repercussions such as a setback in your professional life perhaps – depending on your job. If there is not, your financial situation will take a hit and you will lose a lot of time in dealing with this.

It looks like he needs an Ocean City, Maryland DUI lawyer.
This is why it is important for anyone charged with a DUI to do everything within their power to beat their charge or knock away some of the penalties. This requires the expertise of a sensational Ocean City, Maryland DUI lawyer, so make that all important call now. 

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