Friday, March 11, 2016

27 Corporate Giants Trying to Save Money by Paying Less to the Tax Man

When you employ thousands of people and they all pay taxes and you pay property taxes and all sorts of other taxes, why do you have to pay a corporate tax? How greedy can politicians get? $400,000,000,000 a month in tax revenue is not enough? OK, pull troops out of Japan, South Korea, and Europe then. Why are those countries not paying us to protect them? Fix the health care system and so on. Tax lawyers can only do so much.

Taxes are so high in America now it has been reported that 27 companies have not paid any taxes throughout the year 2015 even though they themselves reported a little pre-tax profit which is the point of having a business is to make a profit, as reported by USA Today. But they have paid taxes. Everyone who works for the company pays taxes, is asking the business to pay a tax even constitutional? Is that not double taxation?

Among the 500 Standard and Poor’s companies, 27 of them which include Level 3 Communications, Airline United Continental, and General (government motors is really their new name) Motors are on this list. Also we all know their thousands of employees, including their CEO, has paid plenty in taxes. They pay real estate taxes right? Sale’s taxes? So they have plenty in taxes. 

 According to the USA Today study that uncovered these findings using data from S&P Global Market Intelligence also confirmed that the 27 companies listed that hadn’t paid any income taxes in 2015 were profitable companies only because companies that ran a loss in the FY 2015 because of the recession such as many energy companies would not have been expected to pay any income taxes. But as already stated, their employees pay millions and millions of dollars in taxes combined.

Perplexingly, saving a little money throughout the year has not necessarily benefited these companies from an investor standpoint since shares have gone down on an average of 11% over the previous 365 days. The recession is horrendous and never ending. Just think how badly the markets would be if these companies had to pay income taxes and there was no write offs as well? How many more employees would be laid off? This sharp fall in shares is over twice the 4.8% decline by the Standard and Poor’s 500 companies in the same year and tax lawyers are not impressed by these figures.

If you are one of these employees and you are having tax issues, click right here: Tax.USAttorneys. Your business may be innovative but so is this website. This website allows anyone in the country to find the legal help they need. The digital medium never gets tired or takes a break. This website is not going anywhere. If you have any questions and want to talk to a human, send us your information. We will call you back perhaps that same day.

Companies that have not Paid Tax

Some of the names on this list that declared to having not paid any income taxes for 2015 includes Level 3 Communications, United Continental, American Airlines, General Motors, Hewlett – Packard, E*Trade, Mallinckrodt, Microchip Tech, Thermo Fischer Scientific, Loews, Ventas, PG&E, and Xerox. Again, all these companies employ Americans who have paid millions of dollars in taxes and continue to pay too much in taxes as it is. Every time one of these companies makes a purchase they are hit up with a sales tax. Uncle Sam is raking in $400 billion a month; Uncle Sam is the one living high on the hog. 

Women in New York Furious over Tampon Tax

New York women claim that the newly introduced tampon tax isn’t only blasphemous but is also discriminatory. They have now filed suit and have taken the case to court say tax attorneys. This is what happens when you live in a liberal city. You are over taxed! How many of these same woman voted for this pitiful socialist mayor called Bill de Blasio?

It seems a lot of New Yorkers have buyer’s regret and so does perhaps many tax attorneys. New York will need a Rudy Giuliana type to come along to clean up New York just like he had to actually do when he was the mayor. Bill de Blasio is clueless.

According to the plaintiffs, the city of New York collects a shocking $14 million in taxes on menstrual products alone as tax lawyers are aware. They arrived at this number by estimating that on average each women in New York spends about $70 annually on such menstrual products and there are as many as 5 million women living in New York, as reported by

The lawsuit alleges that the taxes on menstrual products harm women and so all menstrual products should be included in the list of products that are exempt of tax.

The current tax on such products is 4% of the retail price. The plaintiffs claim that 4% may not seem like a lot but is certainly an additional burden on independent women who are working hard just to be able to feed the mouths of their off springs and make ends meet. What is hilarious and ironic and something Democrats do not understand is that more government revenue is created when taxes are lowered.

If you require help with your taxes or if you are a victim of a tax fraud then you need to pursue legal options to recover your damages. The wise thing to do instead of getting in trouble with the IRS is to call a tax lawyer as soon as possible. 

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