Thursday, September 22, 2016

Arrested for a DUI? How to win a DMV hearing from a California DUI?

Winning your Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) hearing essentially means that the DMV will not suspend or revoke your driver’s license nor can they take any other action against it. This does not mean that the court cannot suspend or revoke your license especially you have prior DUI convictions.

The court and the DMV both have the rights to suspend your license and winning your DMV hearing will only give you immunity against the rights of the DMV, but not the rights of the court, caution DUI lawyers in San Francisco, CA.

California DMV – the three legal issues

Winning your DMV hearing comes down to prevailing on three issues specifically. However, before we get to what these three issues actually are, we need to emphasize that the DMV does not factor your need to drive to work when determining whether or not to suspend your license.

If you were subjected to breathalyzer test or a blood test at the scene of arrest, then the three issues you need to be concerned with in order to defend your DUI are:

1. Did the police officer have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to come to the conclusion that you were operating your motor vehicle in violation of Vehicle Code section 23140, 23152, and 23153? If you are unsure about whether or not your stop was actually constitutional then we highly recommend that you consult a California DUI attorney as soon as possible.
2. Were you placed under lawful arrest - was your arrest constitutional? Did the police tell you what you were being arrested for? Did the arresting law enforcement officer read you your Miranda rights?
3. Were you operating a motor vehicle with blood alcohol content of 0.08% BAC or more?

Getting a DUI ticket is no fun. But there is something to smile about if you need a DUI lawyer in San Francisco, CA and that is Use this site to secure legal help. Any questions? Contact us. We will help you find the legal counselor you need. This website, and a few others, is what gives the Internet its spark!  
Regarding Miranda rights, this is not something that is done in every country. Now in the movie Proof of Life Peter Bowman (David Morse) was snatched up by guerrilla warriors who make a living off of holding people for ransom. The wealthier or more famous the person is, the better it is for them. Now these selfish criminals do not read anyone their Miranda rights, they do not read anyone their rights at all since anyone they grab does not have any rights.

Now these criminals are not acting on the behalf of any official government but nonetheless, your rights you are used to do not exist everywhere. You can see Russia and Cuba about that as well.

You have rights in America and if you are not read your Miranda rights by the police officer who is arresting you, your legal representative can make a case for you on this.

California is having lots of problems there now (billions in debt, lack of jobs) but even the people that still live there have Miranda rights.

The reality of a DMV hearing

Despite what you might read on the Internet, the fact is that winning a DMV hearing is definitely no walk in the park and can be very difficult indeed. The DMV simply does not want you to win. They will even go the extent of summoning arresting law enforcement officers to the DMV itself so they can rectify any mistakes made before, during or after the arrest, according to San Francisco, CA DUI lawyers.

In all criminal and civil lawsuits, you or any other defendant are considered innocent until proven guilty. This is not the case when it comes to DMV hearings. In DMV hearings, you are considered guilty and you need to prove yourself innocent and this is where you will most definitely require legal assistance if you want to stand a fighting chance of actually beating the DMV in their own game and on their own turf.

If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI and have issues with the DMV, don’t hesitate to speak with a California DUI lawyer today and get started working on your defense. 

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