Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Injured by a drunk driver? Here’s what you should consider in a personal injury or insurance claim….

If you are injured by a drunk driver you have the right to receive compensation and file a personal injury lawsuit against that driver. However, prior to filing a civil suit you must remember that the process can be financially draining and time consuming.

For the most part, you have the option to approach the at-fault driver’s insurer and file a claim. States such as Nevada follow the fault insurance system where according to sterling Las Vegas, NV drunk driving accident lawyers, and there is no one better in this arena than the Truman Law Firm P.C. (www.trumanlawfirm.com/), a victim has the choice to file a claim with his or her own insurer or file a third party claim with the other driver’s insurance company.

It is crucial to be aware that juries in drunk driving cases often tend sympathize with the victim. After the defendant is proven guilty, the plaintiff is usually compensated adequately for their injuries, depending on the circumstances surrounding the drunk driving car accident, and if it is established that the driver’s negligent actions caused the car accident.

Accident insurance claim vs. lawsuit

As a victim, choosing between a civil suit and an accident insurance claim can be a tough decision to make. On one hand lawsuits can be complicated, expensive, and lengthy but there is also the potential to win a larger amount compensation.

On the other hand claiming insurance is quick and simple but the compensation is often not what one may expect as compared to a lawsuit, reaffirm Nevada drunk driving accident attorneys. Your legal counselor will weigh the pros and cons before suggesting a viable option. 

In the movie The Score Jack Teller (Edward Norton) weighed the pros and cons and thought he could best Nick Wells (Robert De Niro) in luring him to steal this sceptre where he worked. Why Wells thought he could outwit Teller is amazing considering Teller’s experience but that is another topic. As just insinuated, Teller chose wrong and got nothing. Teller’s greed cost him dearly and his act was up!

You did not hit the lottery but you do have the right to be made financially whole again and then some. They made several bad decisions and they should pay. They already cost you; it is time for you to catch back up. You need a Las Vegas, NV drunk driving accident lawyer on your side now. The sharpest law firm in this part of the American southwest is the Truman Law Firm P.C. Call them today! The other side will not call them for you! 
Now your legal representative will weigh the pros and cons but their decision, either one of them, will be altruistic and legal. Most likely you will not hire someone immoral like Teller – most legal pros respect the law and there is not any law firm with more integrity than the Truman Law Firm P.C.  
Insurance is sometimes the best alternative

If you neither have the time or the money to pursue a legal battle, then the best way is to claim compensation via the other driver’s insurance coverage. However, this may not be the best option when:
  • Your injuries are extensive and you need substantial compensation to cover your medical and other expenses.
  • If the driver is underinsured then the insurer will not pay a significant amount.
  • If there is more than one victim then the insurance claim will be insufficient to pay the damages.
When the defendant has multiple DUI convictions

Many drivers are habitual DUI offenders which is why there is a chance that the drunk driver’s insurer will seek to settle promptly and avoid a lawsuit at all costs.

The driver might be ordered to pay a significant sum as punitive damages for causing grievous bodily injury and for the pain and suffering the victim has suffered due to loss of job, emotional distress, and change of lifestyle. For this, the at-fault driver’s insurer will have to bear the costs, according to Las Vegas, NV drunk driving accident lawyers and the finest law firm in this amazing desert city is the Truman Law Firm P.C. because they know how to deliver and they know how to pinpoint holes in the opposition’s case.

If you are a victim of a drunk driving accident, make sure to reach out to a Nevada drunk driving accident lawyer. Your legal counselor will need time to evaluate your claim and gather evidence to make sure you receive adequate compensation that you rightfully deserve. 

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