Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Have you been written up for a DUI? Here’s how a lawyer can make your case defendable….

Being charged with a DUI is a serious matter especially considering the legal consequences which can taint your social reputation. The legal consequences include hefty fines, lengthy prison sentences, ignition interlock devices, ankle bracelets, probation, and so on caution DUI lawyers from Allentown, PA.

Therefore, it is imperative that someone charged with a DUI do everything within their power to try and defend themselves in trial and beat their DUI charge. Prosecutors however will prove relentless in their pursuit to press charges and will pile up claims and evidence against you and do their absolute best to have you incriminated.

This is why you need to hire a legal pro as soon as possible if you want to stand a fighting chance of actually having your case dismissed by defending yourself successfully against the allegations of the prosecution.

There are certain tried and tested techniques and methods that DUI attorneys in Pennsylvania incorporate into their defense strategy and in this way they are often able to successfully defend their clients. Two of the major lines of defense are against breathalyzer machine evidence and field sobriety test evidence.

These technological devices are awesome that police have access to too try to keep the public safe. But they are not infallible. Have you seen the movie Chappie? If you have, you will see that technology does not always come through for you. With people like Vincent Moore (Hugh Jackman) around, you always have to have a check on technology. Now the police are not Vincent Moore, someone with poor character, but just because a device says it is so, does not make it so.   
Defense Strategy against Breathalyzer Machines

Lehigh County, PA DUI lawyers explain that it has been scientifically proven that breathalyzer machines do not actually measure blood alcohol content. What they actually measure is breath alcohol levels. This metric may not provide an accurate representation of the level of impairment caused in an individual due to alcohol consumption. Secondly, breathalyzer machines need to be carefully calibrated in order for them to register error free readings.

Therefore, if breathalyzer machine evidence is the only thing the prosecution has against you, then a tactful and golden legal counselor will almost certainly be able to get you off the hook.

Field Sobriety Tests – How to have the Results Invalidated

Field sobriety tests are essentially a set of standardized tests which law enforcement officers subject DUI suspects to and they gauge the sobriety of the person depending on his or her performance in these physical tests.

Field sobriety tests usually include the one leg stand, the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the walk and turn, etc.

It is not a flawless way of testing how drunk a person is simply because it assumes that the person would be able to pass these tests when sober or not under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, this is not always the case.

DUI lawyers from Allentown, PA know that if you choose to drink too much alcohol, you should not choose to drive. You do not have to drink water but you should not drive drunk. 
There are many people who have certain physical restrictions, disabilities which do not bar them from holding a drivers permit and such persons would definitely fail the field sobriety tests.

In fact, Lehigh County DUI lawyers say that even someone with a temporary leg or muscle injury may not be able to pass all of these tests.

If you believe you have been wrongly charged with DUI, you need to act quickly to ensure that you are able to defend yourself and beat your case. Just make sure to make that all important call to a committed DUI lawyer in Allentown, Pennsylvania.

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