Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Have you been busted for a DUI? Here’s how you can exercise your constitutional rights….

It is no secret that driving under the influence is illegal and is a crime punishable by law. However, drunk drivers continue to claim lives. In order curb this habit, law enforcement officers and legislators have created stringent laws where DUI offenders are slapped with severe consequences. Furthermore, in an effort to reduce drunken driving there are frequent DUI stops setup regularly. 

Cooperating with the police does not mean giving them evidence against you. If you are under DUI suspicion, call up a DUI lawyer in Anaheim, CA.  
However, due to faulty breathalyzers or undertrained law enforcement officers, many innocent motorists are arrested for suspected driving under the influence and also charged with the crime. If you find yourself in such a situation it is important to seek legal counsel to defend yourself and beat your DUI case.

For the most part, every American is entitled to constitutional rights and must be aware of what these rights are and exercise them when appropriate. DUI lawyers in Anaheim, CA point out what you should and should not do if pulled over for a suspected DUI.

Orange County, CA DUI attorneys know how much harm DUI drivers cause the public but they still have rights - this is not Cuba or Russia. 
Unconstitutional Seizures and Searches

The constitution protects us all from unconstitutional searches. What this translates to in terms of a DUI stop is that the police cannot simply search your body or your car without reasonable suspicion or cause or without your due permission.

This is normally the case, 99.9% of the time, but in cases of extreme danger to the public, bags, backpacks, your person, cars, can be searched. We saw this in the movie The Peacemaker when at the end the police were grabbing anyone and searching their backpacks. Citizens were not very happy but after they learned what happened and what the police were looking for, they should realize that what the police were doing was right and millions of lives were in jeopardy in NYC.

A search can only be performed with a search warrant or your permission, according to Orange County, CA DUI attorneys – 99.9% of the time this is the case as just stated. Therefore, if the police officer does not have any solid suspicion then he or she cannot simply pull you over or subject you to sobriety tests or questioning.

However, some states like California have adopted the implied consent law where at the time of issue of your driver’s license you agree to submit to any sobriety tests. Refusal to subject to sobriety testing will result in automatic suspension of your license for one year.

If you need legal help click right here DUI-USAttorneys.com. Legal help can be right around the digital corner.

Right to Remain Silent

Undoubtedly, when suspected of driving under the influence, law enforcement officers are going to fire a line of questions at you in order to get you to confess to drinking and driving or to obtain some information they can use as evidence against you. Anaheim, CA DUI lawyers reiterate that it is vital to understand that you are not obligated to answer any of these questions.

The best thing to do is to politely refrain from answering and refer it to a legal pro instead which you need to hire. You may decline any request by law enforcement to conduct a search as well. However, make sure to do this in a polite manner. Tact always matters.

If you are arrested for a DUI, the consequences of a conviction could be far reaching. What you need is a California DUI lawyer by your side. Your legal representative will need time to build a solid defense strategy to get you the best possible outcome. Cooperate with them and help your legal professional build a solid case for you.  

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