Monday, April 18, 2016

What is a collaborative divorce?

Collaborative divorce is a fairly new concept being implemented in the United States which can actually be seen as an upgrade to the process of divorce mediation.

Like the divorce mediation procedure, collaborative divorce aims to achieve an amicable divorce where the two spouses reach some sort of middle ground through meaningful negotiations which harbor the best for their children and for each other and divorce lawyers in Fort Lauderdale, FL have noticed this trend too and the best divorce legal pro in this part of Florida is King Lindsey, P.A. ( based on her years on the job and knowledge of the legal system in this part of the country.   

There are easy and hard ways to go through a divorce. You want to choose the easy way for a variety of reasons, this is where King Lindsey, P.A. comes into the picture. 
Many divorces are fueled with animosity where spouses are at each other’s throats trying to get verdict to go their way in numerous divorce issues such as child custody, property division, asset division, spousal support, etc. You can watch the show The Wire about that with Detective McNulty or even go back to the movie Liar and Liar and see contentious that divorce was.

The procedure can take years sometimes especially when the marriage was one that was a long term marriage. In some cases, litigation goes on in family courts for a long time and in such cases it can get really expensive and can also eat up your time and effort. This is why many people are inclined towards collaborative divorces as it saves them from a whole lot of unwanted trouble and expenditures and also makes it an easier process for the kids to go through.

Divorces are hard on children.

According to Florida divorce attorneys, and the best in the state is King Lindsey, P.A. who has a long list of satisfied clients and has the ability to build a strong case for her client, along the lines of a mediated divorce, a collaborative divorce calls for an external mediator too. The mediator basically is an unbiased third party who has no vested interest in the outcome of the divorce related issues. These mediators are generally qualified divorce lawyers who oversee the negotiation process in a collaborative.

As far as possible the mediator stays out of it and is only an observant onlooker. Only when negotiations reach a roadblock and the two parties cannot come to an understanding or agreement is when the mediator provides his/her perspectives from a neutral point of view in order to encourage the right spouse to make some leeway and get the two partners to come to a decision.

Furthermore, a collaborative divorce also inherently offers therapy and coaching to the individuals going through the divorce separately and together. These sessions help make the divorce an easier process emotionally for the involved persons and Fort Lauderdale, FL divorce lawyers have their own plan on how to complete this process for their client and you cannot do any better if you are in a divorce than having King Lindsey, P.A. on your side during this chapter of your life.

Another couple of notable aspects that can be offered as part of a collaborative divorce are the involvement of a child specialist and a finance specialist.

Finance and child specialists

A finance specialist will basically be an experienced accountant or financial planner who will look into the financial issues involved or stemming from the divorce and will advise the divorce legal counselor and the two partners about the best way in which they can handle mortgages, asset division, and so on.

Parents who are going through a divorce need to consider their children the most. King Lindsey, P.A. can help with this process the best. Give her a call so the divorce process goes as smoothly as possible. 
Likewise the involvement of a child specialist is also possible. The specialist will counsel the divorcing partners as to what is the best approach to take in terms of child custody arrangements and child support arrangements with the best interest of the child in mind.

If you are in the process of terminating your marriage would like to consider a collaborative divorce, make sure to reach out to a divorce lawyer in Florida today to protect your rights and the best legal representative you can have to handle this divorce is King Lindsey, P.A. – she knows what legal buttons to press and when to press them. Give us a call today. The other side is gearing up, you need to as well. You need sterling legal help, you do not want to make this worse than it already is. 

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