Wednesday, April 27, 2016

What are the major aspects of settling your car accident case?

For the most part, car accident cases seldom go to trial. Victims and defendants are reluctant to face a jury trial because of the sheer cost of litigation and due to the fact that trials take time to conclude. Hartford, CT accident lawyers suggest that depending on various factors, the best way to get fair compensation for an accident claim in a cost-effective manner is to settle the case.

When someone ruins your day in the Hartford area, it is time to call up a  Hartford, CT accident lawyer. 
To do this you must prepare what is known in legal terms as the ‘demand letter’ which will contain the circumstances of the accident and the terms of settlement. This letter is what can potentially steer the claim towards a fair settlement.

How to draft a decent demand letter?

If the demand letter is properly drafted, it will certainly pave the way for settlement negotiations. This is why the task of drafting such letters must be entrusted to a seasoned legal pro. The letter must contain the details of the accident such as how, where, and when it happened.

It must also include proof of your injury in the form of medical reports, prescription, lab reports, and details of the type of treatment you received. In addition, the demand letter must include details of your expenditure such as hospital bills, physiotherapy bills, income loss estimate, etc.

In the demand letter you will need to mention the amount that you are willing to accept as compensation. Usually the amount ought to be higher than the amount you would potentially accept so that your legal counselor will have enough room for negotiations.

If you have the right to walk, drivers need to understand that and certainly does the person who hit you. 
Do not expect your legal representative to extract an incredible price for you either. Have you seen the movie Ocean’s 11? Just check out Bernie Mac’s character of Frank Catton who obtained an incredible deal for three vans for about $16,000 each, down from $19,000. How did he do it? His powerful handshake where he almost broke the salesman’s hands. Your lawyer may work out a cool deal for you and it may or may not involve passive intimidation.

Do not think about this funny stuff. There is nothing funny about this situation. Your financial future is not at stake but certainly the next few years is and that is a long time to think about a mistake that could be in the works. You need prolific legal help. You need someone you can count on. Click right here and use this digital tool to find the legal help you need.  

What happens after the insurer receives the letter?

The insurer will review your demand letter and the supporting documents. The review process might take a few days after which the insurer will make their first offer. Most often the first offer is well below the claimant’s expectations. However accident attorneys in Connecticut proclaim that the initial offers are not what the insurers are willing to pay as compensation but simply to drive a hard bargain.

People that ride bikes have the right away at times - this is not Cuba, human life and respecting that concept matter.
The next step is the preparation of a rejection letter in response to the initial offer which must cite your reasons for rejection. For instance you can assert that the amount does not even cover all your medical expenses or that the company has completely ignored the pain and suffering component and therefore it is unacceptable. Negotiations may continue for some time. If the insurance company stops responding, ask your legal counselor to contact them.


According to Hartford, CT accident lawyers, if a settlement cannot be reached, you may have to resort to mediation. The mediator is a personal injury litigator with extensive experience in trying accident cases. His task is to evaluate the arguments presented by the parties and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each party in the case. 

If you are victim of an auto accident and you wish to sue the driver who injured you talk to an accident lawyer in Connecticut to determine other alternatives to compensate you fairly without getting involved in an expensive legal battle. And time consuming one too! After all, time is money as well. You do not need to watch the movie Wall Street or the show The Good Wife to figure that out either. 

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