Friday, April 22, 2016

Holy Person Charged with a DUI

Washington Township Municipal Court Judge Martin Whitcraft has denied a nun’s claim that she was not drunk driving but instead was sleep driving and therefore should not be charged with a DUI. The defendant in the case is Sister Kimberly Miller, as reported by

Due to the conviction, the legal repercussions included a 90 day suspension of Kimberly Millers’ driving license and a fine in the order of $650.

Miller herself refrained from answering questions from the media. However, her DUI lawyer did comment about the case saying that his client was in tears and was very upset. He said her reaction to the conviction was perfectly understandable and that she was not so upset about the conviction but more so about the fact that the judge did not believe her claims of sleep driving.

Miller was detained and placed under arrest by law enforcement officers in Turnersville.

Even people of God are not perfect.

The only thing that can match the omnipotence of God is the Internet. This website ( covers the entire country 24x7 which makes it heavenly and because its purpose is noble and righteous. Even outstanding and good people get caught up under the confines of free will.

If you need legal help, click and call. That website is your salvation.  

She is not a nun. If you are going to do this, do not drive. 
Breath test results dismissed in nun’s drunk driving case

According to witness statements, Miller’s driving was erratic. She supposedly pulled into a parking lot and then while reversing out, ploughed into Meineke auto shop’s front door and shattered the glass. Arresting officers subjected Miller to a breath test which registered her BAC at 0.16%, which is exactly twice the maximum legal limit of 0.08% BAC in the state for adult, non-commercial drivers, according to DUI attorneys.

However, the prosecution was disallowed from using these test results as evidence since the arresting officer had failed to monitor Miller for 20 minutes prior to administering the test as required by state law say law enforcement officers. What was the officer doing?

According to officers’ testimonies, they found half a bottle of wine behind the driver’s seat. In addition, Miller herself confessed to having had two glasses of wine at a book signing event that she was at earlier that night.

As part of her DUI defense, Miller alleged that she was under the effects of Ambien which is what caused her to be drowsy and drive the way that she did.     
She is under suspension from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia while they and her religious order review the drunk driving conviction. Many people believe the broken city of Philadelphia which has killed so many jobs because of its anti-business policies needs more people of God. Philadelphia, like so many other cities ran by Democrats, is a failed city and urban decay is rampant. 

The nun had some wine. Too much. She should not have chosen to drive. She will be forgiven but perhaps no events for her for a couple of years and Miller will have to understand that designated drivers are vital at times. Her insurance company will have to pay for the damage to the store. 
Why you need a DUI lawyer

A DUI conviction can turn your life around for the worse. Legal repercussions of a conviction include hefty fines, prison sentences, ignition interlock devices, alcohol counselling, probation, community service, etc.

Furthermore, it will also taint your social reputation and spoil your professional aspirations. Therefore, it is vital that someone wrongly charged with a DUI appoint a DUI lawyer as soon as possible and start working on building a fool proof defense in order to beat their DUI charge.

Call a DUI lawyer today! Preliminary consultations are generally free of cost. 

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