Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Why Your Car Accident Claim may be Denied

There are times when your insurance claim can be denied following a motor vehicle accident. It is important that you know exactly why your claim was denied and when you should call up a Dallas, TX accident lawyer and there is none better than Scott H. Palmer (ScottPalmerLaw) in this part of Texas. This is because all situations are not alike, and here are some typical reasons why insurance companies deny claims.

When the Accident is Avoidable

If you could have avoided the accident or acted in such a way that it resulted in the accident, chances are that your insurance claim will be denied.

This is particularly true when the insurance company believes that your actions made the insurance policy coverage ineffective, such as allowing an unlicensed driver to operate your vehicle or driving drunk and causing an accident. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, it is sagacious to call up an accident attorney in North Central Texas – perhaps someone who does not have an ego as much as Jerry Jones does and unlike Tom Brady – someone who has some integrity and this person is Scott H. Palmer who has been beating and striking fear into insurance companies for years now – as the insurance adjustors will always do their best to drive home a hard bargain.

The insurance adjusters drive home these hard bargains since they are paid and promoted on the basis on how much money they save the mother ship. They may feel sorry for you but them bringing home more money for their kids or having more money so they can watch Tony Romo throw another interception or hopefully the Texas Rangers beating the despised Yankees is their objective. They will offer you some money perhaps but it most likely not be what your case is worth or enough to cover your total losses.

Lack of Complaint or need for Medical Treatment after the Accident

If you want to file an insurance claim for injuries following a car accident, it is important to seek treatment immediately. Otherwise, the insurance company will claim that no injury was sustained due to the accident, and if there are any injuries, they weren’t in any way connected with the accident and were exaggerated with the sole intention of obtaining a payout.

It is very unfortunate that those who have no means of paying for treatment are viewed as fraudsters since they avoided treatment at a time when they required it, and in reality do have a valid accident injury claim acclaim accident lawyers in Dallas, TX.

If your medical records after the accident don’t indicate that you sustained an injury, your claim can be denied, since you are unable to establish that you deserve any damages. If you happen to have a pre-existing medical condition your insurer can claim that the injury was not as a result of the accident. If this condition became worse due to the accident, you may be entitled to receive some compensation, but it is hard to prove that the condition became worse by the accident and the degree of the pre-existing injury has in your current injury.

Bad Faith

These are some of the reasons why accident claims are denied. However, as soon as you get a notice of denial, ask your insurer for the reason why your claim was denied and what steps are necessary to fix it.

If the reasons mentioned don’t apply in your particular case your insurer is denying the claim in bad faith. This signifies that your insurance company is not ready to honor its obligation to determine your case according to the legal agreement it entered with you. In addition, the insurer may be using one of several tactics to minimize or deny outright your compensation. This is a highly unethical action designed to deny you compensation by citing false grounds.

If your accident insurance claim is denied, the only alternative is to hire a North Central Texas accident lawyer in your area and there is none better than Scott H. Palmer, as soon as possible.

One of the finest legal professionals and minds in the business is Scott H. Palmer. He knows how to represent clients and win cases. He has a long list of satisfied clients. He knows a viable case when he sees one. The first meeting is free, give him a call. He can be reached and seen right here: ScottPalmerLaw

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