Tuesday, July 12, 2016

What are the Major Aspects of Settling Your Car Accident Case?

(Cook County, IL) – July 12th, 2016 – According to astounding Cook County, IL accident lawyers, it is rare that a car accident case actually goes to court or to trial. In most cases, the car case is settled outside of court, and there are some reasons why both plaintiffs and defendants prefer an out of court settlement.

An accident insurance claim which goes to trial may take time to come to a conclusion, and in some complex cases, it is not uncommon for such a lawsuit to take years to finally wrap up. Furthermore, auto accident lawsuits are governed by complex state laws that vary from state to state and which only makes things even more complicated.

For these reasons, an auto accident lawsuit can be very time consuming and as a result is going to cost a lot more in terms of legal fees, etc. This is precisely why many accident attorneys in Illinois are of the opinion that going to trial may simply be an unnecessary waste of their clients’ time, money, and effort in some cases.

The Demand Letter

Cook County, IL accident lawyers reiterate that an out of court settlement also requires that you follow some standard procedures. To initiate the settlement you will need to put forth a demand letter which will include all details and facts of the car accident, the damages caused and the medical treatment (if any) that was involved.

The well drafted demand letter will not only quantify economic and non-economic damages, but will also provide a break up in terms accounting for the damages.

Your legal representative will generally overstate the amount being sought in the demand letter so that you can afford some room to move during negotiations which will soon follow.

Now we have all seen negotiations in movies and shows. In the movie, in the beginning, there was negotiation that took place between Bobby Bolivia (Bernie Mac) and Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) and his father Ron Witwicky (Kevin Dunn) over a beat up looking Chevy Camaro which they did not know turned out to be Bumblebee. Bumblebee wanted to be sold to Sam though and was going to manipulate this negotiation in Sam’s behalf no matter what. Bumblebee ended up pushing out a super large sound that broke a plethora of windows belonging to used cars Bobby wanted to sell.

That was Bumblebee’s demand letter.

Bobby quickly settled the deal for $4,000 after he realized he needed to get this car (Bumblebee) off the lot. Now when you are negotiating over a car accident with your lawyer you are not going to have a transformer helping you out but you should have a stellar legal professional right by your side since they know how this game is played.

A Legal Representative can Help Negotiate a Fair Settlement

An out of court settlement on the other hand is quick and easy, but you will still need the help of a legal counselor even if you decide to take this route. For the most part, insurance companies hire insurance adjustors who basically work to save the insurance company money in car accident settlements. Their task is to convince a car accident victim into accepting a settlement amount or offer which is underwhelming.

Cook County, IL auto accident lawyers know that if you do not use your lights at night when you drive your chances of getting in a car accident will increase. 
However, your legal representative will have a fairly accurate idea of what your case is worth and how much money you could win if you were to take the case to court, and will use this information as a benchmark when negotiating with insurance adjustors to reach some middle ground. In addition, if the defendant and you simply cannot come to an agreement on a settlement then your legal professional will not shy away from pursuing litigation and taking the matter to court.

If you are injured in an auto accident due to the negligence of another party, it is prudent to contact an Illinois car accident lawyer as soon as possible. A marvelous and illustrious legal counselor will make sure that your rights are protected and you receive the monetary compensation you deserve.  

If you need legal help click right here Accident.USAttorneys.com. This digital tool will facilitate the process for you in terms of securing legal help. 

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