Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Have you overstayed your US visa? Here are some of the consequences….

For the most part, if you happen to overstay your visa, you are obviously in the US illegally. It is the same as entering the country illegally without a visa, in the opinion of Charlotte, NC immigration lawyers and there is no one better at this than the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC (www.llfimmigration.com/). To overstay means becoming "out-of-status," in legal parlance.

Do not make this more complicated than it already is. Call up a Charlotte, NC immigration lawyer today and the most fabulous and dedicated work for the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC
How long can you stay
Your visa does not mention just how long you can remain in the US. It is important to understand that a visa does not allow you to enter the country freely. It merely lets you journey from your country of origin to any port of entry located in the US. 
You have seen this in the movie The Bourne Legacy with Jeremy Renner as Aaron Cross. He was able to enter the Philippines after an official was staring at him and his ID (the official did not know the ID was forged). Now we are discussing America but it is the same thing here – someone will be looking at you and the ID that you are carrying and so on.
When you reach the port of entry, the immigration officer in charge determines whether to let you enter the nation, as well as for how long you could remain there. It is always possible that the immigration official might turn you back to where you came from in the first place, as he or she makes the ultimate decision.
"Out-of-Status" date not mentioned on your visa
As soon as the immigration officer lets you enter the country, you will be given another Form I-94, which must be kept together with the original visa. Form I-94 does in fact decide just how long a person can legally live in the United States.

While the date stamped on your visa merely informs you as to just how long you can make use of it in order to arrive in USA, it is the date on Form I-94 that decides by when you have to leave the nation. If you need further information on the visa process, a competent immigration attorney in North Carolina, and the best in the marvelous city of Charlotte is the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC, can always be of valuable assistance.
Your visa can be cancelled
If you remain in the country beyond the date mentioned on Form I-94, your visa becomes automatically cancelled. And without a legal visa letting you to enter a port of entry in the United States, you are in effect in the country illegally. This can keep you from obtaining another visa in the future. If you want to apply for a green card again, you might need to wait for three to 10 years, as it depends on just how long you outstayed your visa, express immigration lawyers from Charlotte, NC and the law firm that sparkles the most is the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC since they know how to represent their clients with acuity.
If you have the skills to make it in America – America needs you. America needs English speakers who have tech and engineering skills and if you do not speak English but you have these types of skills, America will make room for you.
You have options
However, before your Form I-94 could expire, you can take certain steps if you realize that you aren’t in a position to leave the United States by that date. First off, you need to call up the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC.
Moreover, all you have to do is to contact the USCIS or US Citizenship and Immigration Services to request for an extension. For this you will have to provide a valid reason. It can take some to obtain approval so make sure to have a valid claim.
If Form I-94 is expired, you need the services of a North Carolina immigration lawyer immediately. The quicker you act, the better your chances of remaining in the country, as the regulation concerning overstaying a visa can be very complicated. And if you cause a ruckus like Aaron Cross did in the Philippines you could be in serious trouble but that is another topic and so on.

You need to call the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC. This is no time for guessing. With the Lopez Law Firm, PLLC, the mistakes that could be made will be decreased or wiped out completely. 

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