Friday, March 11, 2016

Penn Supreme Court Denies Sherri Shepherd’s Appeal in Surrogacy Case

TV personality, liberal, anti-business, high tax favoring Sherri Shepherd’s appeal in her surrogacy case has been denied by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, as reported by The 48 year old who was co-host on The View between 2007 and 2014 will remain 18-month old Lamar Sally Junior’s legal mother.

Lamar Jr. was born to a surrogate while the couple was in the midst of a divorce. Shepherd, who wants America to be a weak and helpless like European country, earlier alleged that screenwriter Lamar Sally had cheated her into having the child who was conceived of Sally’s sperm and a donor egg. She alleges he did this just to get child support. So Shepherd, your liberal child support laws are being used against you?

Shepherd, who has no problem with putting America further into debt with socialized health care that all real Americans do not want, had petitioned the court to review a 2015 decision that declared her the legal mother. Incidentally, the couple split in August 2014. Prior to the child being born, Sally had requested for full custody. 

Sally in a statement made through his lawyer said he was relieved that the court battles are finally over and that Sherri has been ruled as Lamar Jr.’s legal mother. He now plans to focus on raising the kid. Philadelphia, PA divorce lawyers are baffled by this case and Shepherd’s attitude.

Shepherd, who has no problem with abortion no matter how far gone the baby is in development, initiated divorce proceedings in May 2014 and was ruled as the child’s legal mother in April 2015. She also agreed to pay $4,100 per month in child support (that is real money, in this recession, most peoples’ jobs would not be able to pay out a monthly fee of that amount). In an exclusive interview with earlier, Sally said that he was hurt and baffled at Shepherd’s actions since they had both agreed earlier that they wanted a baby. He claimed that while both paid for the surrogate, Shepherd had paid the majority.

For the most part, Shepherd hasn’t played any role in Lamar Jr.’s life since birth. Sally claimed that she never met the baby and has never even asked for pictures or ever sent the child presents or cards as well. So this seems to fit her personality just fine in that she does not believe every healthy life is precious and every baby should have a loving mother.

Don’t you love babies Shepherd?! Does she wish that child was aborted by Planned Parenthood which could probably get about $10 for the baby’s left lung and sell every baby part for a profit?

Child Support in Pennsylvania

According to Philadelphia, PA divorce attorneys, in most cases the parent who cares for the child is eligible to receive child support payments since he or she spends money directly on the child. The non-custodial parent makes the payments. However, in Pennsylvania the law allows for any caregiver other than the parent to request child support even if they haven’t been granted custody.

For the most part, child support must be paid until the child is 18, say divorce lawyers in Pennsylvania. One of the exceptions when payments could be cut short is when a child is emancipated. In many cases, the parent may be ordered by the court to make payments after the age of 18 if the child suffers any disabilities.

Philadelphia, PA divorce lawyers express that there are child support guidelines laid down by state law which are based on the parent’s income and number of children who require support. These guidelines play an important role in case of a child support dispute. However, judges have the flexibility to account for other factors such as the parent’s ability to provide support and the child’s reasonable needs.

If you are thinking of divorce and wish to solve sensitive issues such as alimony, child support, visitation rights, and other financial matters, it would be prudent to reach out to a divorce lawyer in Pennsylvania. This is not the time to be Rambo and take on the world by yourself.

If you are in a divorce or have a child support situation, click right here: Hopefully you already clicked on this link since you do not want to behind the eight ball on this one. You do not want your spouse or ex-spouse getting the jump on you like Josey Wales always got the jump on someone on this one. Contact us if you have to.

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