Thursday, January 14, 2016

Are Your Windshield Wipers and Headlights in Working Order? In Arizona, It’s the Law to Prevent Personal Injury

Phoenix Truck Accident Law Firm of Rudolph & Hammond

          If you’re a Phoenix, Arizona driver, keeping you car’s safety equipment in working order should be a top priority. Regular maintenance can prevent serious personal injury accidents and the immense losses that result. Failure to properly maintain your car’s safety equipment is not only unsafe, but it is in violation of Arizona law. Drivers who operate a vehicle have a responsibility to themselves and other drivers. If you have been in a car accident and believe that the other driver may not have had working windshield wipers, car headlights or rear brake lights, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, lost wages, and other losses. It is important that you contact a personal injury lawyer in Phoenix, Arizona today, if you feel that poorly maintained car safety equipment may have contributed to your accident. The Law Firm of Rudolph & Hammond has been representing clients for years and fights aggressively to protect the rights of the injured.

            Under Arizona Law, all cars must be equipped with windshield wipers designed to clear rain, and snow, and other debris off the car’s windshield. Drivers in Arizona are also required to have car headlights in operation from sunset to sunrise or when visibility is less than 500 feet. This means that drivers should turn on their headlights during heavy rain, snow, or fog conditions.

            Just like any other safety feature or mechanical feature of your car, headlamps and windshield wiper blades must be periodically changed, replaced, or repaired in order to ensure that they remain in optimal working order. For instance, according to Consumer Reports, windshield wiper blades should be changed every six to nine months. Tests have shown that blades break down around this time period. Blades that leave streaks when you use them, or blades that are visibly torn should be replaced as soon as possible. Blades should also be replaced in pairs. Even if only one blade appears visibly worn, chances are both blades could use replacing.

            Changing headlights is also important. After all, without your lights, how can you properly see the road before you in the dark? Driving with one headlight puts you and others in danger because it seriously reduces your field of vision. In many cases, changing a headlight is quick and can be as simple as buying a new bulb and using a screwdriver. For most car models, changing the car’s headlights is as easy as changing a light bulb in your house. Your car manual often provides detailed information about how to change your head or tail lights. Tail light failure is sometimes harder to detect, but these should be checked periodically. Other drivers may have difficulty seeing your car at night or in the rain if your tail lights aren’t working. If your brake lights aren’t working, this can be hazardous because the brake lights indicate to other drivers when you are slowing down.

            If you’ve been in a car accident in Phoenix, Arizona, the law firm of Rudolph & Hammond, a personal injury law firm, may be able to help you. If the other driver failed to maintain his or her safety equipment, you may have a case. Visit their website at

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