Thursday, January 14, 2016

What are felony assault and battery laws and penalties?

Battery is a crime punishable by law in all states of America. While the specifics may differ ever so slightly in terms of how battery charges are dealt with and how battery convictions are punished, the basics of battery and assault are more or less the same throughout the country where criminal defense lawyers are certainly needed.

Battery is defined as the deliberately physical contacting another person in a hostile or threatening manner. It can also be the intentional use of physical force or violence against another person to cause harm.

Therefore, by this definition, things like pulling someone by their arm, pushing, or hitting a person or even hitting them with an object will be classified as battery and the offender will be punished depending on the severity of the crime. Sometimes such incidents take place after a DUI accident which only makes the DUI situation even worse.

Just a threat

As mentioned, there are some differences in how the crime of battery is defined and handled depending on the state you are in. In fact, in some states even just a threat of violence (where no physical contact was even made) can still be classified as battery. Therefore, by this definition, just angrily advancing towards a person, raising a fist and threatening to strike, or even verbally threatening to cause harm can be treated as a criminal offense, caution criminal defense lawyers.

When can a battery or assault charge be escalated to a federal charge?

In some extreme cases, a battery charge can be prosecuted as a federal charge and this will essentially entail much more severe consequences for the offender that may include prison time. According to criminal defense attorneys, there are some cases where a battery charge is considered a felony offense. Let us take a look at some examples where the battery offense will go down as a federal offense.

Hitting a person with a deadly object or weapon, firing at a person with a gun, battery committed with further intent to commit another felony crime such as sexual assault, battery resulting in permanent physical deformation/injury, threatening a person while disguising your own identity, battery against special class members such as law enforcement officers, doctors, and social service workers etc., are all examples of when a battery is considered a felony.

A criminal defense lawyer will be involved in every one of these cases.

What are the consequences of a battery conviction?

As already specified, this may vary from state to state and also depends on the severity of the crime (whether it was a misdemeanor battery or felony battery). Felony assault or battery is a very serious crime and is enough to send you to prison for as long as twenty five years in some cases.

If you or someone you know have been wrongfully charged with a battery or worse still, with felony battery then you should not delay in consulting a criminal defense lawyer and get started building a solid defense strategy to beat your case. Your legal counsel will be able to gather evidence in your favor and present it effectively in trial or before the trial even begins.

If you made a mistake and you temporarily lost your temper or had a kneejerk reaction in a situation and punched someone you will need legal help. This situation may have lasted only a few seconds but you are still having paperwork written up about you. The bright and sunny news is, is that you can find fantastic legal help using this site in just a little more time it took for your to commit this crime and have people pointing their fingers at you when the police arrived. It does not take too much energy or action to be charged with a felony.

Do not worry, you may believe your life is sinking but with the right legal representative, you may be able to deflect some of these charges and get your life back in order. And next time someone mouths off to you in a sports bar, let it go! Or just smile more and perhaps the situation will be avoided completely.   

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