Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Parental Kidnapping: what is it and how can you prevent it?

Parental kidnapping is essentially when one of the parents of a child unlawfully takes away the child or the children without the consent or without notifying the other parent and this generally happens when the parents have undergone divorce, say divorce lawyers in Milwaukee, WI.

If you do not like to deal with your ex better half, you need a divorce lawyer in Milwaukee, WI and they can help you on this before this situation ignites. 

You saw this in the show Breaking Bad when the nutcase Walter White (Bryan Cranston) went crazy and kidnapped his own baby in season 5. This is because Walter White thought his family wanted to be associated with a nutcase who had no impulse control. White found out the hard way that this was not the case. Sorry White, your family did not want to be with someone who had no control of their emotions and was divorced from reality.   

You would have been much better off staying at the car wash or making a few million and then getting out Walter! Your judgment day will be not fun.  

Some worrisome and interesting numbers (California - not impressive!) 

According to HRF or, over 200,000 children were kidnapped by their own parent or another family member from the end of 2013 to Nov. 22nd, 2014 and “43% of the children who were the victims of a parental child abduction were not considered missing by their primary caretaker” from the HRF. The worse state for this is California, another reason not to live there. Boys and girls were both equally likely to have to endure this type of terrible treatment. Biological fathers are the culprits 53% of the time. Walter White knows all about this.

A kidnapping does not necessarily occur out of the blue every time and this especially holds true for parental kidnapping. There are always clues or cues that one of the parents may conspire to take away a child or children. To find out what you can do to prevent parental kidnapping from happening, you need a legal representative.  

Even if you suspect that your former spouse maybe on the verge of doing something like this, it is best not to take chances so you should seek legal counsel ASAP and you can do so by press right here

Make sure your spouse and you follow the terms and conditions of the child custodial agreement

One of the best practices to maintain in order to ensure that parental kidnapping and many other custodial issues do not crop up after a divorce is to make sure that both spouses do not take the custodial orders and terms for granted and come up with their own terms where they may introduce leeway and do not define everything in a clear cut manner.

However, according to Wisconsin divorce attorneys, when both spouses stick strictly to the court ordered terms of child custody then there will be some discipline and there won’t be any opportunity for a spouse to even consider something such as a parental kidnapping and if they do then their excuse of “I thought it was my turn with the children” goes out of the window or makes it less likely they will try to use such an excuse.

If one parent seems to be extending their time with the children or child more and more, you need to put your foot down and demand the schedule be adhered too. 

How to prevent an abduction

If you have reason to suspect that your ex-partner may take them away without your consent and then withhold them from you then there are some things you can do in order to minimize the chances of that happening, in the opinion of Milwaukee, WI divorce lawyers.
  1. Keep current and updated information of the other parent’s personal details and also the details of their friends, relatives, and so on.
  2. Have a documented description of the other parent’s physical appearance and include any birthmarks, maintain recent photographs, passport details, social security number, baking details, driver’s license number, and so forth.  
  3. Have handy a detailed description of the children’s personal information plus physical description with recent photos.
  4. Teach your kids how to reach out to you and how to use a payphone, cell phone, etc.
If you seem to be having issues with child visitation, support, or any other matters, all you need is to reach out to a Wisconsin divorce lawyer to protect your rights.

Contact us if you have any questions. We will probably get back to you that same day. 

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