Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Wish to become a US citizen? Here’s what you should know about the naturalization process….

Obtaining US citizenship can bring with it several opportunities such as a prestigious US passport, the right to vote, and no fear of deportation.

Make this process go smoothly by hiring a Manhattan immigration lawyer.
However, to become a US citizen necessitates a few steps, such as proving your eligibility to file, fingerprinting, attending an interview, passing the prescribed tests to assess your knowledge of English as well as US civics, and taking part in an oath ceremony, point out Immigration lawyers in Manhattan.

And if you need one click right here Immigration.USAttorneys. Legal help can be right around the virtual corner.


In order to be eligible, you must have lawful permanent resident status and meet additional requirements. These include the duration you have been in the United States as a lawful permanent resident, passing a test in English and US History & Government, and possessing splendid moral character. Well at least more than Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev and Tamerlan Tsarnaev who were the terrorists behind the Boston Marathon bombing. America’s political correctness helped contribute to this massacre as well. But both are dead and they changed nothing.

Both of those brothers were pointless human beings who did not make any difference at all. Their cause is and was evil and only people who are gullible and ignorant, lacking any wisdom, believe they are right.

Overcoming Probable Barriers 

Sometimes you may find that you aren’t eligible for citizenship at the moment. For example, you may not meet the requirement of good moral character if you committed some type of minor crime or remained outside the US for long periods and therefore broke the continuity of residence. In such a case, you will need to work towards becoming eligible, suggest New York immigration attorneys.

President Obama, in the early 1980s, went to Pakistan for 3 weeks. The mainstream media covered this up since they are liberal and wanted to and did prop up Obama. Obama was not out of the country long enough to jeopardize his citizenship but people believe that if Obama was spending time in a Madrassa, this is another indication why he will not challenge ISIS and radical Islam like he should. On top of this, another indication on why Obama is so fervent in letting in untrustworthy Middle Eastern so-called refugees.  

If you do not want to have your citizenship process delayed, do not do anything suspicious. Your last name is not Obama.

File USCIS Form N-400

Once your eligibility is established, you will have to complete the mandatory paperwork with the USCIS or United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. This involves filing the N-400 form to begin the process. Currently, the cost of filing out the application for naturalization is $595, along with a biometrics fee of $85. Make sure to attach a copy of your green card. Once your application is accepted, you will be informed of the date for biometric and fingerprinting.

Get Fingerprinted

A background check is necessary before your application is processed. A date and the address of an office will be sent to you to undergo fingerprinting. The FBI will conduct a background check following the fingerprinting process. You need a Manhattan immigration lawyer. You want this to go smoothly.

You may believe this process is overwhelming. It is not, if you have the skills America needs then you can get this done. First thing is first though, use to secure yourself that vital legal assistance. 
Attend the Citizenship Interview

After the fingerprinting is over, an appointment will be scheduled at the address indicated by a UCSIS officer for an interview. Here, the officer will scrutinize your N-400 application to substantiate your answers to every question. He/she will also test your knowledge of US Civics and English.

But since you do not have to know why America was formed, what did our founding fathers fight against, why does America have a 2nd Amendment, and so on this test is rather easy.  Just memorize a few facts, study, and you should do fine. 

Oath Ceremony

If your application for US citizenship is approved at the interview, you will be invited to a public ceremony, where you along with others will be administered an oath where you will have to swear your loyalty to the nation. When you are awarded the certificate of naturalization, for all intents and purposes, you become a US citizen.

Do you have any questions about US citizenship or are confused about the process naturalization? If so, make sure to speak with a Manhattan immigration lawyer immediately to make sure you file the paperwork correctly. You do not want to make any severe mistakes. 

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