Wednesday, June 15, 2016

I was injured in an accident, how could insurance affect my auto accident claim?

Anyone who has been in a car accident will know how vital a role a car insurance or auto insurance company plays in the whole ordeal when it comes to resolving claims of property damage and personal injuries resulting from the accident.

If you need a Lexington, SC accident lawyer, our website is the solution to your current problem. Do not sign anything with the other side until you have legal help. 
Right from the start to the very end of your car accident claim, insurance coverage will always be factored in no matter which part of the case is debated say Lexington, SC accident lawyers. Therefore, it is vital to understand how insurance can affect a car accident claim.

Who must have automobile insurance?

If you drive a car, then you need to be covered by a valid insurance policy. Each state has a mandatory minimum amount of insurance coverage. Not having an insurance policy is a crime punishable by law. South Carolina accident attorneys all too often see accident victims who have only minimum coverage while the damages inflicted upon them far outweigh the amount, which is why they end up suffering and having to pay out of their own pockets to cover the damages and bills.

Now in the movie Transformers when Starscream landed on the street, in downtown LA, and threw that car about 150 feet behind him, he did not care about the damage to that vehicle, the people inside it, or any people or cars that flying car could hurt or damage, respectively. Starscream was evil and an egomaniac but that is another conversation. Now Starscream wrecked that car and several others and he did not have any insurance but he did not care either – he was not beholden to humankind and he did not care about other people.

This means Starscream did not care about the law. You must care about the law since if you ignore it your progress in life will be seriously curtailed.

The at-fault driver’s insurance policy

States in the USA are either fault states, no fault states, or comparative fault states. Fault states are states where the at-fault driver and his or her auto insurers are held responsible for damages stemming from an accident whereas in a no fault state, no matter who are at fault, both drivers will have to turn to their own respective insurers to receive compensation.

On the other hand, South Carolina is one of the comparative fault states where both drivers are responsible by the extent that they were at fault for causing the accident. Therefore, if A and B were involved in an accident and it was determined that A was at fault by 75% and B by 25% then A will have to pay for 75% of the damages and B the remaining 25%, according to Lexington, SC accident lawyers.

Consult an auto accident lawyer

For the most part, car accident laws are vast and it is therefore extremely difficult for a lay person to be able to deal with the legal involved when it comes to car accident litigation. If you are a victim of an auto accident and have suffered financial losses due to injuries and other damages, the best way to make sure you have the resources and knowledge to deal with your claim or litigation is to hire a South Carolina accident lawyer.

Your legal counselor will evaluate your claim and determine how much your case is worth. The next step will be to negotiate with the insurer to ensure that you receive adequate compensation that you rightfully deserve. Just make sure to seek legal counsel as soon as possible since accident claims and personal injury lawsuits are bound by the statute of limitations.

You need legal help. It used to be difficult to find with limited options and you used have to rely on some massive book called the Yellow Pages which perhaps had outdated information. Now we have the Internet. And this website is the digital tool to use. Contact us if you have any questions.

We may even call you back that same day. Certainly by the next, most likely within a couple of hours. 

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