Thursday, June 30, 2016

A loved one has been busted for a DUI, do I need to pay bail or post a bond?

When a DUI suspect is arrested following a DUI stop/checkpoint, he or she is taken to jail and is booked. However, many are concerned about whether they will be released once they have sobered down or will they have to pay bail or post a bond in order to get out of jail, say fantastic and majestic New Orleans, LA DUI lawyers.

If you get a DUI, listen to your New Orleans, LA DUI lawyer and do not make things worse. You have to maintain your character since it has already diminished a little in the eyes of the court.
What is bail and how does it work?

Bail, also known as bond, is basically money paid as assurance by arrested suspects so that they are allowed out of jail until they need to appear in court for their arraignment. In cases where the suspect does not turn up then the court will retain the money paid as bail. Basically, the money is a kind of assurance that the defendant will not go rogue and will actually show up on his or her court date.

You do not want to go rogue. You do not want to take off and believe you can become John or Sarah Connor like from the Terminator series and remain off the grid. Eventually you will have someone like Ed Moseby (Mickey Rourke) from the movie Domino hunting you down and you do not want that. First off, you could be shot and killed and even if you are not, you just made yourself guiltier and so on.

Is bail always required?

Once a DUI suspect is taken into custody then one of the following things may take place. The suspect is either released on his or her own recognizance or is allowed to pay bail or post bond after being held captive and then released. Alternatively, the suspect will be made to appear in front of a judge who will rule on whether or not bail is an option.

In some cases the suspect will have no option but to remain in jail until their court hearing and this is especially true when the suspect already has prior DUI conviction and is considered a serious flight risk according to Louisiana DUI attorneys. The court does not want to have to use or get Ed Moseby involved or someone like him. This is also true in cases where the suspect was involved or caused a serious accident as a result of driving drunk.

Unless you are prepared to live off the grid like Jack Reacher does in the Lee Child books, do not run from the law.
What does being released on your own recognizance mean?

Released on your own recognizance or ROR is when the judge assigned to the case waives the requirement for the suspect to pay bail and allows him or her out of jail without payment of bail or a bond. For the most part, the number of DUI suspects that post bail are fewer than those who are ordered out of jail without bail or bond. 

In the opinion of New Orleans, LA DUI lawyers it is most likely that first time DUI offenders will be released on ROR where their BAC or blood alcohol concentration was possibly just over the legal limit of 0.08% and where the DUI arrest was not preceded by an accident.

When it comes to DUI bookings, bail can vary depending on the severity of the offense and on your prior criminal record. If you believe you or a loved one is likely to be arrested or charged with a DUI, make sure to consult a DUI lawyer in Louisiana as soon as possible to learn more about bail and other circumstances.

If you need DUI legal help click right here Do not run from the law. You do not want someone like Ed Moseby hunting you down and this will just make you look even guiltier and smear your name even more. 

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