Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What you need to know if stopped for a drunk driving accident?

Law enforcement officers stop drivers for drunk driving violations if they have reasonable cause of suspicion of criminal activity. For instance, drivers are often asked to pull over if they drive erratically and weave in and out of lanes, slow down or stop in the middle of the road or follow a vehicle too closely or are involved in an accident. Often times if the driver shows the above signs then the officers have valid reason to suspect a DUI, say Denver, CO drunk driving accident lawyers and the best in the business is The Kaudy Law Firm, LLC (www.kaudylaw.com/).

Some people should drink more water and less alcohol but what is done is already done. 
Do not step out of the car

Turn off the engine after being pulled over. Place your hands on the steering wheel. Drunk driving accident attorneys in Colorado, and based on their track record and ability to know which legal buttons to press and how hard to press them the The Kaudy Law Firm, LLC is the finest law firm in the mile high city, suggest that you never step out of the vehicle unless the police officer asks you specifically to do so.

Don’t raise suspicion

Desist from acting suspicious. Do not act in manner that might imply that you are hiding something or are trying to destroy evidence. The officer might ask you to step out of the car and search the vehicle if he suspects something.

Follow instructions

Drunk driving accident lawyers in Denver, CO, and the best in the industry is The Kaudy Law Firm, LLC since they know how to build a fabulous cases and know how to attack weaknesses in the opposition’s case, proclaim that the officer is in charge of the situation and hence you must listen carefully to the officer and follow the instructions. Your ordeal is not over unless the officer allows you to drive off.

You are closely observed

Many police cars have traffic cams mounted on the dashboards that record everything. Even if the car does not have a camera, the officers are well trained to observe you closely. Yes, the Denver Broncos won a Super Bowl and Peyton Manning is the best quarterback of all time but this does not mean you can go crazy and shout real loud in your car during this process since that will confuse the officer who has pulled you over.

If you cause a drunk driving accident in the Denver area, you need to call The Kaudy Law Firm, LLC . You can guarantee the police will not do it for you. If you cannot do it, get a family member too, or a friend. 
How much you had to drink?

This is one question that officers are likely to ask if they suspect a DUI violation. Often violators furnish an underestimation of the amount of drinks they consumed. Any lie could get you into trouble since the prosecution will find out about the lie. Therefore, it is better to stay silent or say that you don’t remember. Any evidence can be used against you during trial or in a compensation claim following a drunk driving accident.

Det. McNulty in the show The Wire was a drunk. He should have been fired for being a drunk and other reasons which is a shame since he was a fantastic detective but that should not mean you can be a drunk and do whatever you want and get away with it. When he crashed the car he was driving into the freeway pillar because he was drunk driving no one saw him do it. So he was able to get away with it. He was lucky. Do not plan on being this lucky. Almost all drunk drivers are caught for the crashes they cause.

Should you refuse BAC test or not

You are legally obligated to take a BAC test under Colorado’s implied consent law. This is because as soon as you received your driver’s license you automatically consent to submit to a BAC test. However, you can refuse but you will face penalties such as automatic license suspension for one year in addition to fines. This is why unless you are not seriously inebriated you must allow the officers to conduct the test.

If you believe you are likely to be charged with drunk driving following an accident, make sure to speak with a Colorado drunk driving accident lawyer immediately and the most impressive in this massive city is The Kaudy Law Firm, LLC since they are loyal to their clients and know the legal system in this part of the country the best. Drunk driving charges are not squashed easily. However you can negotiate a plea bargain and have your sentence reduced or have your drunk driving charge dismissed depending on the circumstances as long as you engage and secure a fabulous law firm and have formidable representation.  

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