Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What's the difference between permanent resident and US citizenship?

Often individuals find it hard to fathom the differences between a lawful permanent resident and a US citizen. The terms are confusing no doubt but remember they mean different things.

Who are permanent residents?

LPRs or lawful permanent residents are individuals who are granted permission to live and work in the United States. They are provided a photo identity card commonly known as a ‘Green Card’ which confirms their status.

For the most part, they can also file an immigration petition to bring their close family members such as their children and spouses to the US as permanent residents. However, there are a limited number of preference visas available each year and the relatives might have to spend as long as five years before they are considered for the immigration process and their immigration lawyer will be in contact along the way.

The two murderous twin Mexican brothers in Breaking Bad did not use an immigration lawyer upon entering the US. They also killed an American Indian police officer. They were terrible people. The one that lived is going to jail forever and the other died from a Hank fired gunshot. They will only be missed by evil humans. 

For the most part and furthermore, LPRs are not citizens of the US. They remain citizens of their country of origin and therefore if they have to travel outside they will have to carry the passport and their green card so that they can produce this document when they want to re-enter the US.

If you have LPR status, you cannot vote in any elections held in the country. Moreover, you cannot leave the US for more than 12 months without getting a re-entry permit or else your Green Card will be cancelled. If you plan to stay outside the US for more than 6 months it would be wise to consult an immigration attorney to know what steps you can take to prevent the authorities from thinking that you have abandoned your LPR status.

If you commit a crime there is a likelihood of being deported. LPRs are permitted to apply for US citizenship after they have completed 5 years as law abiding individuals. They will have to pass a written English exam to apply for naturalization. When applying for US citizenship an immigration lawyer can definitely provide valuable assistance.

US Citizen

Children of US citizens become US nationals by birth. The other process through which one can become US citizen is naturalization.

If you are a US citizen you can travel outside US with a US passport. You can remain out of the country for as long as you want. You have the right to vote, hold government jobs, and can be selected to serve as a juror. Moreover, you also become eligible to receive state and federal government grants and scholarships provided to US nationals.

US citizens cannot face deportation. The only exception is when the individual has committed some type of immigration fraud. 

Once you become a US citizen you can file a petition with the assistance of immigration lawyers to have your children under 21, parents, and spouses come to the US.

Additionally, you can also make a pitch to bring your brothers, sisters, their children, their spouses and married children over 21 years of age. These relatives are usually put on the waiting list and might have to wait years before they get their turn.

How not to enter the country

If you enter America illegally though like the terrorist did in 24 before Day 4 began (shown in the Internet video clip) you will not receive anything like this. You may get shot in the leg by an American hero and icon Jack Bauer though during the interrogation. You should not be a terrorist!
The best way to find an immigration lawyer is by using this site: http://immigration.usattorneys.com/. There is no point in a terrorist using this site because that will just not work. The fantastic legal professionals on this site repel evil.

Securing legal help

Since the immigration and naturalization process involves a lot of paperwork and other formalities, should you wish to seek LPR status or apply for naturalization, it is wise to seek the assistance of an immigration lawyer to prevent any errors and delays. 

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