Tuesday, December 1, 2015

DUI Law and Multiple Offenses—Can Programs Rather Than Incarceration Help People Stay Sober in Sacramento?

DUI Defense Lawyer in Sacramento Dick Margarita Law Offices
Many individuals who have been arrested for multiple DUI offenses in Sacramento, California have an alcohol addiction problem. Incarceration and other penalties fail to address the underlying causes of these DUIs in the state. For instance, a fourth DUI conviction can result in a driver being labeled a “habitual traffic offender” with the person’s driver’s license being revoked for three years. Habitual traffic offenders are required to complete a driving under the influence program. But, do these programs really work? Do they help habitual traffic offenders quit alcohol for good?

At the end of the day, individuals have to be committed to quitting. For some, a DUI conviction is the “wake up call” or “bottoming out” that motivates them to begin their recovery journey. Are there resources in Sacramento, California to help individuals facing repeat DUI convictions? And, what programs may be able to actually help DUI multiple offenders?

1.      18-Month Multiple Offender Program. Northern California has an 18-month multiple offender program which helps DUI drivers identify the source of their habitual behaviors and assists them on the road to recovery. Individuals are provided with group sessions where they discuss their behavior and are also provided with individual counseling. During these sessions, individuals explore what drives them to drink in the first place. Individuals are also provided with educational resources as they complete the program.
2.      “Transitions” programs. For individuals who have been incarcerated for their DUI or who faced more serious vehicular homicide charges, transitioning back into society after serving time can be difficult. Nationwide, transitions programs have been found to be successful in helping inmates get the treatment and rehabilitative resources they need to succeed once they rejoin society. Yet, access to these programs depends largely on where you live. In Colorado, for instance, the transitions program focuses on personal responsibility, decision-making, and life skills to help inmates transition more easily to life outside of jail. Offenders often leave jail feeling that they have the tools and resources they need to either quit drinking or to curb their repeat DUI behavior.
3.     Alcoholics Anonymous. AA offers one of the largest networks of support groups for recovering alcoholics. The program supports abstinence from alcohol using its 12-step method. AA offers a range of groups that cater to women, men, and people of all ages and backgrounds.
4.     Counseling, social workers, and other addiction treatment services. No single treatment method works for everyone. It can be helpful for some individuals to address the underlying factors that drive them to drink and drive. Community counseling, social workers, and other addiction programs may be able to help individuals come to terms with why they drink and thus curb the habit.

It is important to remember that alcohol addiction is a disease. As such, disease prevention and treatment models have been found to be successful in helping individuals avoid future DUI charges. Unfortunately, when individuals are charged with DUIs in Sacramento, California, the state too often utilizes a punitive approach, which criminalizes individuals who may be suffering from alcoholism. The Law Office of Dick Margarita offers DUI defense in Sacramento, California, and may be able to assist you in accessing important resources if you’ve been charged with a DUI. 

Call The Law Office of Dick Margarita at 916-248-8570 or visit www.dickmargaritalaw.com

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