Monday, September 12, 2016

How Does Cool Sculpting Work?

CHARLOTTE, North Carolina. Cool Sculpting is celebrated for being an excellent, non-surgical alternative to liposuction. While the procedure is not meant to replace diet and exercise, it offers a great option for individuals who want to get rid of love handles, belly fat, and bra bulge. Yet, how is it possible to eliminate fat without surgery? How exactly does Cool Sculpting work?

Cool Sculpting works because fat cells do not survive when exposed to cool temperatures. While skin cells can tolerate cold, fat cells die when exposed to the Cool Sculpting process. During the Cool Sculpting procedure, targeted areas of fat are cooled down to trigger cell death. Then, in the days and weeks following the procedure, the body naturally eliminates the dead fat cells, resulting in a slimmer, and permanent removal of the fat.

According to Evolve Medical Associates in Charlotte, North Carolina, the procedure can be performed in a comfortable outpatient setting. Most patients see results a few weeks after treatment, and some patients choose to undergo a few treatments in order to achieve desired results.

According to Vogue, Cool Sculpting candidates are individuals who want to make small changes. If you have small areas of fat in your belly, love handles, or thighs that don’t go away with regular diet and exercise, Cool Sculpting may be the choice for you. However, if you have larger areas of fat, it may make more sense to seek out liposuction or other alternatives.

If you have trouble areas of fat that you’d like to eliminate, and are considering Cool Sculpting, you may want to speak to a qualified Cool Sculpting clinician in Charlotte, North Carolina. Evolve Medical Associates can review your needs and determine whether Cool Sculpting is the best solution for you.

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