For the most part, when the prosecution
has irrefutable concrete evidence against you in a Virginia DUI case and the chances
of disproving their claims and actually winning your case is very slim or
almost non-existent, it may be actually in your best interest to plead guilty
to your DUI charge.
In the opinion of Alexandria, VA DUI
lawyers, this will not only save time, money, and effort, but will also ensure
that you are not charged with other crimes in the process of fighting your DUI charge.
There are certain scenarios where the
odds of you winning your DUI case are certainly not impressive. Here are some
instances where you may be better off pleading guilty to your DUI charge.
However, it is important to remember that this article is for informational
purposes only. Make sure to consult a DUI attorney in Virginia to find out what
the best course of action in your particular case would be.
BAC Limits can affect a DUI Charge
In most states, the maximum permissible
blood alcohol content (BAC) with which you can still legally drive is anything
lesser than 0.08% BAC. Therefore, if toxicology reports indicate a BAC of 0.08%
or anything higher than that, then you are technically driving under the
influence and hence committing a crime which is punishable by law.
In cases where the suspect’s blood
alcohol content was only marginally over the legal limit, it is worth fighting
the case based on inaccuracies which may arise during sobriety testing and the
recording of the suspect’s blood alcohol content. For example, it is common for
defense lawyers to argue that breathalyzer machines are scientifically proven
to be inaccurate and that they measure breath alcohol content and not blood
alcohol content.
However, when the suspect has a blood
alcohol content which is well over the legal limit (sometimes even two or three
times higher that the legal limit) then arguing about inaccuracies in sobriety
testing equipment and calibration errors in such equipment will not really get
you anywhere.
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Drinking water instead of alcohol could just save your life. |
To give you a fair estimation of when
you should fight your case and when you should wave the white flag, outstanding
Alexandria, VA DUI lawyers agree that BAC readings such as 0.08% or 0.09% are
defendable. However, if you register a BAC of 0.11% your chances are very slim
and when it’s closer to 0.20% then conviction is almost certain.
Evidence can affect the Outcome
When law enforcement officers testify
against you and they have solid evidence in the form of breathalyzer readings,
filed sobriety test results, blood/urine test results, and other witness
statements supporting their claims, then any attempt to fight your DUI case may
prove futile.
Hillary Clinton is in a similar situation,
with evidence that she sold out her position as Secretary of State in a pay for
pay scheme, sent 110 classified emails, used hummers and tools to destroy cell
phones, operated out of her basement, used special software to delete 33,000
emails, it looks like she was covering things up and doing things she should
not have been doing. Fighting against this tide and acting like you are honest
or innocent is really futile.
Another futile fight was in Captain
America: Civil War when Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner) tried to fight Vision (Paul
Bettany). That was pretty foolish. Vision could have wiped Hawkeye off the map
with a blink of his eye but he did not. Now he may have been just trying to
give some guidance and support to the Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) but
still, Vision would destroy Hawkeye in a nanosecond.
These are just general guidelines and it
must be reiterated that there are exceptional cases where your legal counselor
may still be able to disprove evidence against you in a DUI charge.
Do not assume anything. Speak to a legal pro first.
Therefore, even if it seems like you are
fighting a losing battle it is always wise to consult a Virginia DUI lawyer
prior to pleading. Press right here to make that