Thursday, August 4, 2016

Injured in a truck accident? Here are some of the key legal issues that you should know about….

Truck accidents are complex legal issues because of the fact that they are not only subjected to state specific truck accident laws, but also to federal trucking laws set by the Federal Motor Service Carrier Administration. Furthermore, state specific laws can vary.

Hit by a truck driver? Your bad luck just ended. Use to hire yourself a Fayetteville, NC truck accident lawyer.  
Until recent times, truck accident victims did not have many resources in order to determine how or why a truck accident was caused and would have to rely almost solely on the police report which would provide these details which was reliant on witnesses and perhaps even a hunch.

However, there are now many techniques via which a Fayetville, NC truck accident lawyer will be able to help determine the cause of the truck accident and this in turn will help as evidence in your truck accident insurance claim or personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. Methods to uncover the cause of an auto accident include information from government agencies and data from high tech devices.

Getting in Touch with Government Agencies

Both federal and state trucking legislation mandates that a certified truck inspector thoroughly investigate and compile a report on the accident, its cause, factors involved, and all other details. This truck accident investigator is usually a member of the reconstruction division of the state police, say standout North Carolina truck accident attorneys.

Now if you saw the fantastic movie The Departed you may not trust the state police since in this movie some members of the Massachusetts State Police (MSP) were corrupt. The main one being Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon) who fell in love with the Irish mob as a child and was working for the Irish mob even as an adult when he became a high flyer for the MSP. But do not worry germane to your truck accident, why would a corrupt state police officer falsify a report hurting you? What happened was an accident and it was not your fault.

Not all police are immoral like Colin Sullivan.

These reports are not included or part of the local police report. The report will have all details about the mechanical condition of all of the parts of the truck and this information will prove invaluable in your truck accident lawsuit.

Data from High Tech Devices

Modern commercial trucks or big rigs are equipped or installed with a black box that is crash proof and records all driver inputs, engine performance, and all other parameters which can be used to reconstruct the accident. Fayetteville, NC truck accident lawyers explain that this can prove to be vital evidence in establishing liability in a truck accident lawsuit

Contact us if you have any questions. will probably get back to you in a couple of hours.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents include: 

Impaired driver – Truck drivers sometimes use stimulants or psychotropic drugs to cope with the lonely and long journeys and needless to say, it is not a judicious idea to operate an 18 wheeler commercial rig while on the influence of drugs.

Driver fatigue – There are legal limitations on the number of hours a truck driver can continuously operate for a day and week as well. Unfortunately, it is common practice for truck drivers to violate these laws in order to make overtime pay just so they can pay for higher health care costs and perhaps the fact their spouse cannot find a job because of high taxes and job killing regulations.

There are several other common causes for truck accidents. If you are a victim of a trucking accident, make sure to reach out to a North Carolina truck accident lawyer today for help with your accident claim. Your legal representative will gather evidence and make every possible attempt to get you the compensation to make you financially whole again.

Do not let the other side beat you since you did not secure legal help. Do not make it that easy for them. You are the one who is hurt and has a wrecked car. Press right here Truck-Accident.USAttorneys to find that coveted legal assistance.

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