Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Is your loved one a nursing home resident? Here’s what you must know about physical abuse:

When a person who resides in a nursing home goes through the traumatic experiences of pain, injury, and /or impairment caused as a result of substandard care provided or sheer negligence, then this is a stereotypical example of physical abuse in the opinion of Montgomery, AL nursing home abuse lawyers and the most incredible in the region is Morris Bart & Associates, LLC (  

Among the various types of abuse that occur in nursing homes, physical abuse is one of the most common. It is widely regarded as the worst kind of abuse as it can have long term negative effects and or injuries which could potentially be life threatening.

There are some staggering statistics from the Department of Health and Human Services which will put things into perspective with regards to physical abuse of nursing home residents. To begin with, an estimated 3 million people in America live as residents in nursing homes across the nation. Out of these, one resident out of every three residents report at some point during their stay at a nursing home that they have been or are being abused.

As many as 95 out of 100 residents have reported that they have either been victims of abuse themselves or have witnessed other patients being abused. In addition, elderly patients who are victims of physical abuse in nursing homes are found to be at three times a higher risk of dying than those who are not abused.

Who are the usual abusers with regards to physical abuse in nursing homes?

According to Alabama nursing home abuse attorneys, and you will never need legal help again if you have Morris Bart & Associates, LLC on your side, some of the most common abusers or suspects or perpetrators of physical abuse by virtue of providing substandard care and/or neglect can usually be classified into one of three groups, namely nursing home staffers/caregivers, visiting family members, and other residents.

Caregivers – They include staffers and employees of a nursing home who are paid specifically to take care of the residents. They have many responsibilities such as administering medication in a timely manner, ensuring they prevent bedsores, etc.

However, unfortunately they are also the most common abusers of residents when they fail to carry out the duties that they are being paid to do. In such cases, nursing home abuse lawyers in Montgomery, AL, and if you a law firm that is as powerful as the US military could be (some of the weapon systems need to be replaced), you want Morris Bart & Associates, LLC on your side, point out that a lawsuit can be filed against the nursing home in order to recover economic, non-economic, and punitive damages inflicted upon you.

It is no fun being sued. No one wants to be sued unless the situation is extreme. You do not have to have immoral or abusive people on your payroll. The economy is terrible because of high taxes and regulations, there are plenty of good people looking for a job. College graduates are working in fast food joints now because of the Democrats but let’s get back on topic. If you saw the movie Southpaw with Jake Gyllenhaal playing Billy Hope you will know that going broke is not fun. Employing terrible employees can put you in the poor house.

Warning Signs of Abuse

There are some tell-tale signs to identify abuse and stop it from escalating to something more severe. If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of any type of abuse at a nursing home, make sure to reach out to a nursing home abuse lawyer in Alabama right away and that law firm should be Morris Bart & Associates, LLC since they know how to win these cases and have the track record and legal stamina to prove it.

You will not be happy if you are being sued by Montgomery, AL nursing home abuse lawyers such as those from Morris Bart & Associates, LLC. There will  be nothing to smile about then.
Your legal pro will be able to evaluate the situation and guide you on how to legally bring the perpetrators to book and receive adequate compensation for all your pain and suffering. Call Morris Bart & Associates, LLC now! The first meeting is free. They know what it takes to win these types of cases. They only take a percentage at the end so really it is like you never have to pay them at all. Their results are awesome.

They do not stand for this – nursing home abuse cases receive special attention by them. Morris Bart & Associates, LLC wants to know about any elderly mistreatment since they enjoy unleashing legal blitzkrieg on any nursing home that allows this type of behavior to persist.   

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