Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Injured in a drunk driving accident? Here is a list of your legal options….

If you are injured by a drunk driver your chances of winning a lawsuit are stronger if you have sufficient proof and a competent legal team by your side. For the most part, lawsuits involve time and money and this is why you ought to first consider approaching the drunk driver’s insurer for a speedy recovery of your financial losses.

In the opinion of Albuquerque drunk driving accident lawyers and there is none better than The Law Office of Brian K. Branch (www.bkblaw.net/), there is always the possibility that the jury will empathize with the victim in drunk driving car accidents. The jury is often more likely to award the plaintiff handsomely for suffering from injuries that were a result of a drunk driver’s negligent actions. 

However, the plaintiff must choose between a time-consuming lawsuit which can be financially draining or a simple claim from the driver’s insurance coverage. The latter, as mentioned, is a speedier alternative without a doubt. However, if you can win a drunk driving accident lawsuit the financial benefits are potentially more likely to be much greater.

Now let’s keep it real. Let’s not start buying private jets and fancy suits just yet. Let’s not start acting like Roman (Tyrese Gibson) did at the end of Fast 5 and the beginning of Fast 6. Even though Roman had a lot of money, the way he was spending it, he would have been broke in about a year. Just because you win a lawsuit does not mean you can spend money like Hillary Clinton does with her $15,000 jackets while she is giving speeches about the poor. Stay real, do not go the Hillary and Roman route.

Albuquerque, NM drunk driving accident lawyers know the drunk driving accident scene. But The Law Office of Brian K.Branch is clearly the best. 
Insurance Claims can be the Best Option

State laws mandate that every driver be covered with insurance, which is why the best approach is to file a claim with the drunk driver’s insurer. However, New Mexico drunk driving accident attorneys say that this will depend on three factors and the best legal help in this domain comes from The Law Office of Brian K. Branch since they know how to win cases and have been doing this for years. The first meeting is free, give them a call.

For instance, if you are gravely injured, the driver’s insurance might prove insufficient to cover your expenses, following which a lawsuit becomes the only alternative. Secondly, the driver may be uninsured. Third, if there are multiple victims then the insurance might not be adequate to cover the damages.

If the Driver has a Previous DUI Conviction You can Win

Most DUI violations involve drivers who are habitual offenders. If this is the case then the driver’s insurer will be eager to have their insurance adjusters settle with you as soon as possible rather than face a lawsuit. Moreover, the defendant may be asked to pay a significant sum since the damages for grave bodily harm and for other financial or emotional losses that the victim(s) have suffered as a result of their injuries are severe.

Social Host and Dram Shop Liability

Along with the driver the victim can also file a lawsuit against individuals and institutions that has served the defendant alcohol. Albuquerque, NM drunk driving accident lawyers, and the best in the field is The Law Office of Brian K. Branch based on the fact that they have won thousands and thousands of dollars for past clients, proclaim that you can file a civil lawsuit against a bar or restaurant and even the host of a party if they served liquor to someone who was visibly drunk.

If you have been injured in a drunk driving accident or even lost a loved one, you have the right to claim compensation. However, it is critical to consult a New Mexico drunk driving accident lawyers immediately and this should be The Law Office of Brian K. Branch since they know what legal windows to open and when to open them. Your legal pro will begin gathering evidence immediately and help you obtain a fair settlement for your pain and suffering.

There is no one better than The Law Office of Brian K. Branch. They know the legal system in the ABQ

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