Friday, June 24, 2016

Hit-and-Run Accidents Fatally Strike San Francisco Bicyclists

Officials are investigating three separate bicycle accidents which resulted in fatalities in the Bay Area. All the accidents occurred in 24 hours. San Francisco, CA accident lawyers are dismayed.

According to officials, two of the accidents were hit-and-runs and in one of the cases, the driver has not yet been found by police.

According to ABC7 news, police forces are said to have released the mug shot of 32-year old Farrukh Mushtaq, who has been accused of being behind the wheel of a BMW that not just hit but also killed a bicyclist at Howard and 7th streets in San Francisco. A citizen who saw him get out of the car detained him until the arrival of police. The victim was identified as 26-year old Katherine Slattery.

Another woman named Heather Miller died in Golden Gate Park. According to sources, the driver who crashed into the 41-year old cyclist is still missing and is said to have been speeding and driving in the wrong lane. Just another day in crime filled San Francisco.

The suspect has not been tracked down.

In Pleasanton, a traffic accident at Stanley Avenue and Valley Boulevard killed a bicyclist who was riding her bike southbound on Valley Boulevard. She was hit by a car that was traveling eastbound on Stanley Avenue. The driver is cooperating with police much to the relief of San Francisco, CA accident lawyers.

One arrest was made on Wednesday, but police are still looking for the driver from the Golden Gate Park crash. This driver was driving a white Honda and is obviously an immoral person who only cares about themself. San Francisco is an immoral city though, they allow innocent people to be victimized by criminals all the time. It is amazing people live there. What liberals can do to a city is just sad.

What to Do in a Bicycle Accident

Between 2010 and 2012, 338 bicyclists in California were killed in collision with motor vehicles, which was the highest total in the United States during that period. In 2012, cyclist traffic fatalities in the state increased by 23 to 123. California had the highest number of bicyclists killed that year and San Francisco accident attorneys are not too happy about this. San Francisco is turning into an unlivable city.

There are a number of things you should do when you are involved in a bicycle accident before you seek the counsel of an accident lawyer.
  • Wait for the police to arrive so that they can take and file the police report. Make sure that they document all your injuries, even minor ones.
  • Get the driver’s information, such as name, address, phone number, license plate number, driver’s license number, insurance details, etc. Also, get the contact information of all witnesses of the accident. Report this to your car accident lawyer on your very first appointment!
  • Take mental notes of all aspects of the car accident, such as when it happened, how it happened, weather conditions, road conditions, etc.
  • Make sure that you preserve evidence. Do not wash your clothes or repair your bicycle. Take photos of the scene for insurance purposes.
As San Francisco, CA accident lawyers know, some drivers just do not pay attention.  
If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, contact a San Francisco, CA accident lawyer immediately. Your legal representative will ensure that your legal rights are protected and that you get fair compensation for your injuries, suffering, and lost time at work and so on.

Press right here to find the legal help that you desperately need. 

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