Monday, May 23, 2016

Truck Accident on Interstate 10 Kills One

(Riverside, CA) ­– May 23rd, 2016 – A Thermal man identified by the Riverside County Coroner’s office as 59 year old Miguel Rolon lost his life in an accident that occurred on Interstate 10 earlier this week. Rolon was in a flatbed truck which had stalled on Interstate 10 when a big commercial rig slammed into his truck from behind.

The accident occurred just a few minutes short of noon and responding officer from the California Highway Patrol were forced to shut down the eastbound lanes of Interstate 10 for three hours following the accident.

If you  need a Riverside, CA truck accident lawyer, you know where to turn and where to click.  
According to police, Rolon’s flatbed truck stalled in lane three on the freeway and he therefore got onto the truck and was attempting to wave down drivers to alert them of his situation when a FedEx truck crashed into Rolon’s flatbed. Looks like Rolon was a good Samaritan and Riverside, CA truck accident lawyers do not have any problem with that.

The driver tried to swerve away from the flatbed at the last moment but still clipped the flatbed. The impact of the collision launched Rolon onto the road and he was declared dead on the spot.

The accident is still under investigation as authorities attempt to determine why exactly the flatbed had stalled. The FedEx truck was occupied by a driver and one passenger, both of whom walked away from the crash with minor injuries. Evidence from police reports can play a vital role in establishing liability or any compensation claim following the accident according to Riverside, CA truck accident attorneys.

Impaired driving was not a cause in the accident confirm authorities. No charges have been filed in the accident.

The FedEx truck also spilled diesel onto the road so Hazmat had to respond to the crash. 

Two trucks involved in accident, both drivers injured

An accident between two big commercial rigs which occurred in Coachella earlier last week has left both drivers injured and also resulted in the spillage of nearly 55 gallons of diesel fuel onto the freeway and authorities had to act quickly to keep the diesel from seeping into a nearby storm drain.

The accident occurred on the eastbound lanes of Interstate 10 in the early hours of the morning just east of Dillon Road in Coachella. The crash caused one the two big rigs to topple onto its side which is what led to the diesel leak.

Both drivers are currently being treated in hospital for injuries which are moderate yet not life threatening in nature.

Why you need a truck accident lawyer?

If you are injured or lost a loved one in an accident involving a commercial vehicle, then you may be entitled to compensation. However, the burden of proof lies on your shoulders since you are the plaintiff in the case. In order to prove the defendant’s negligence and win your lawsuit, you will need to present concrete evidence in an irrefutable manner in the court room, over the phone, or in a mutual meeting designation so perhaps you can settle out of court.

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A California truck accident lawyer will know exactly how to do this and can help you secure the compensation you deserve. It is time to be made whole again.

When you need legal help you need legal help. It is not any different than when you need medical help. If you are hurt, you need to see a doctor. When you have been hit by a truck driver, you need legal assistance as well. This is where you need to go: Truck-Accident.USAttorneys. This website is a winner, has saved lives, and put people on the right track again. This website is an asset to society. Use it. It was built for you! 

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