Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Do I have a right to retain the family home after a divorce?

The marital home in many cases is the most valuable asset held jointly by spouses, which often becomes the bone of contention in the event of a separation. Divorce lawyers in Albuquerque, NM, and the most terrific law firm in this part of the nation is Carpenter & Associates (, say that other than the financial point of view, the home is a particularly emotional subject more so when children have spent a considerable amount of time there.

There must be valid reasons to keep the house

If you wish to retain your house after a divorce you must have good reasons to do so. Remember that selling the home or for that matter keeping it can be a life-changing decision. Therefore, it is important to be absolutely sure what you want to do with your home. Moreover retaining the family home should also be a salient financial decision. 

For the most part, divorce is traumatizing for children to say the least. Their emotional distress increases manifold if they are forced to move out of their family home. You must talk to a child psychologist if you are unable to decide the best course of action for your children.

Now you do not have to speak to a child psychologist if you are Rick Grimes. This is because Rick Grime’s family thought he was dead and had no problem leaving their home since their community was surrounded by walkers and even filled up with them. Now some people in this world would like to speak to a psychologist if they had the time and if one existed but that is another topic. You can still divorce someone in this world but there is a good chance a home will not matter since no one really owns a home in this world.

You thought you had a bad day. You think your divorce is rough. It may be but just be glad you are not alive in The Walking Dead universe. Now the The Walking Dead world could never occur in America because America has too many guns but it could happen in Europe, Japan, and other countries for example but that is another story entirely. Be happy you have a home to fight over!

Moreover, the other reason for wanting to keep the family home is purely emotional. Many share a magnificent attachment with their family home because they have decorated the interiors themselves and put in a lot of effort to create a dream abode. Naturally, you have a plethora of memories associated with the house, which makes it extremely difficult to part with it. However, it is pivotal to remember that emotional attachment is not a concrete reason to keep the house.

New Mexico divorce attorneys, and the finest law firm in the region is Carpenter & Associates based on their ability to win cases by exploiting holes in the opposition’s case, time and again have advised clients not to hold on to a property simply because of vindication, spite, control, and greed. It is critical to not to be carried away by the emotional aspect of the separation. Instead, it is essential to make a sound financial decision especially when you are involved in a divorce dispute.

To begin with, you must have a clear idea of the financial repercussions of having the home and therefore aim to strike a balance between your desires and wants. Albuquerque, NM divorce lawyers, and you cannot do any better than securing Carpenter & Associates to work with you on your divorce since they know this legal arena very well and have a long list of satisfied clients for all sorts of golden reasons, point out that while relocating is ridden with hassles and you might be reluctant to move out of your comfort zone, it is often not a wise financial decision.

Therefore you must assess whether you can afford the home. Remember you will be responsible for mortgage payments, maintenance, and property taxes and so on all by yourself. This means you could potentially end up in serious financial trouble if you fail to evaluate your financial capabilities and responsibilities after the split. If you are unable to do so on your own you can seek advice from a professional financial planner and advisor.

Going through a divorce is rough. It can be less stressful with strong legal counsel though. This is where an Albuquerque, NM divorce lawyer should come into the picture and the best on the block is Carpenter & Associates
It would be prudent to reach an agreement with your spouse when it comes to retaining or selling the family home. In this way you avoid your fate being left in the hands of the court.

Nevertheless, if you have any issues regarding property division, child custody, visitation rights, and alimony, make sure reach out to a fantastic New Mexico divorce lawyer and you do this very easily by clicking and calling. The most profound and exhilarating law firm in the area is Carpenter & Associates. Give them a call, they will know how to begin this process according to your situation.  

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