Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Can I obtain compensation if I am injured by a drunk driver?

If you are a victim of drunk driving you will receive compensation from the driver’s insurance provider. But unfortunately there are instances when the insurance amount is simply not enough to cover the enormous cost of medical treatment and compensation due to job loss. Such a situation becomes a dreadful reality if the injuries are extensive and cause long term disabilities.

Steps to take to get compensation if the driver’s insurance is not enough

Allegheny County, PA DUI lawyers recommend that you seek legal recourse immediately irrespective of whether the driver has been charged with a DUI or the charges are pending. Often your legal counselor will ask you to provide copies of your insurance to determine if you can recover some money from your own insurance policy. The next step will be to file a lawsuit against the drunk driver in a civil court for additional compensation.

In many extreme cases the judge often orders an attachment of the driver’s assets for damages. Therefore, if you wish to file a personal injury lawsuit it is critical to act fast. This is because an at-fault driver can use this time to hide his/her assets.

You need to press right here DUI-USAttorneys.com. Use this virtual tool to make this situation right. You may have friends but you must lead the way since you are one who is in dire straits.

Can anyone else be held responsible for the accident?

Your legal professional will investigate whether anyone else is responsible for the accident. The supplier of the alcohol is often indirectly responsible. If the supplier had not stopped serving alcohol even after the driver’s intoxication was apparent then they might be guilty as well. Your legal counselor will also conduct investigations which would be to determine who served the driver the last drink just before the accident.

You may not get any street cred for drinking Starbucks but at least you you will not need an Allegheny County, PA DUI lawyer in your life if you obtain a DUI ticket. 
Pittsburgh, PA DUI attorneys point out that bar tenders may be held liable if they continued serving a client even after he or she was visibly intoxicated. Similarly, a party host can also be held responsible if they do not control a guest’s liquor consumption after they clearly showed signs of inebriation. Your legal professional will make every attempt to take statements from witnesses present in a pub or a party to ascertain if the supplier’s actions were negligent.

In addition, an employer can be held responsible if an intoxicated employee caused an accident after an office party. Legal counselors can also prove that a supplier is responsible if he/she has provided liquor to an underage driver knowingly or to someone who has prior DUI convictions.

There are instances when individuals have injured themselves while driving under the influence of alcohol. In these cases if the driver is a minor or has a prior then the individual or establishment is held guilty, in the opinion of Allegheny County, PA DUI lawyers.

At the end of season 7 in House, House in all his pathetic emotionally charge and adolescent behavior rammed his car into his supervisor’s living room. Her name was Dr. Lisa Cuddy. If you saw this you would have thought the driver was drunk but the driver was not drunk, the driver was just pitiful House acting like a three year old since he did not get his way. Just because someone drives like a DUI driver does not always mean they are one. But in this case, this was a crime on several levels.

Dr. House’s car insurance company and himself would have to pay for the damage caused to Dr. Cuddy’s home.

If you are a victim an accident caused by a drunk driver and wish to receive compensation, it is critical to have a Pennsylvania DUI lawyer to fight your case. Remember, both the insurance companies and the defense attorneys will be geared up to squash your demands in the ensuing legal battle. All it takes is one minor legal blunder to jeopardize your chances of receiving fair compensation for your prolonged painful battle marred by injuries. 

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