Tuesday, April 26, 2016

What are some of the common and most effective DUI defense options?

You must remember that the police cannot pull you over impulsively. You must give law enforcement officials reasonable suspicion of an illegal activity. DUI lawyers point out that there are certain legal infractions that can lead an officer to suspect that you are driving drunk. Some of them are as follows:
  • Weaving through the traffics lanes
  • Driving at a speed that is above the posted speed limit
  • Following cars too closely
  • Taking wrong turns
  • Driving with burned out turn signal or headlight
  • Failing to yield to a traffic signal
  • Idling along the shoulder or driving very slowly
These are some of the legitimate reasons for officers to make a driver pull over. The officer must note the reasonable cause in the incident report. DUI attorneys reiterate that if the officer fails to mention a clear reason in the police report, the evidence collected after the DUI stop will be rendered inadmissible by the court and the case against you will be squashed.

Do not give up. A ticket is not everything! It is not the end of the world. No one is making you watch that disastrous 2015 Star Wars movie again, not yet at least. You need legal help and it is right around the virtual corner. Press right here Divorce.USAttorneys.com and you can use this digital tool to find the legal help you need. You will not the first person this site has assisted.

Contact us if you have any questions. We may call you back that same day.  

Challenging the Suspicion that You are Intoxicated

The police officers will look for telltale signs of intoxication during a DUI stop. For instance, they may suspect DUI if you have slurred speech, bloodshot eyes, alcohol odor in breath, unsteady gait, poor motoring ability, and so on. If you recall in the movie Superbad, the two officers were both drunk. They were so drunk they destroyed their police vehicle and were driving wildly out of control. If another police officer saw this, or even an observant civilian, they would have known the police officers were drunk driving. Officer Michaels and Slater both should have been fired!

However, if these are the observations made by the officer in the report you can defend yourself by making and substantiating certain claims.

Challenging the Field Sobriety Tests

Sobriety tests such as procedures such as reciting alphabets backward, touching one’s nose, and horizontal gaze nystagmus assessments hardly provide conclusive results. If you are overweight, suffer from a physical condition, or from poor footing symptoms then you are likely to fail the tests.

There are ways to fight a DUI ticket. 

How to Challenge Breath - Analyzer tests?

Breath analyzer tests measure alcohol content in the blood. However DUI lawyers can challenge the results of these DUI blood tests as well.
  • The equipment is poorly calibrated. Therefore results are far from accurate.
  • The device is not properly maintained at periodic intervals hence the results are flawed.
  • The test was performed by an inexperienced user and errors can happen if the user is not well versed with the mechanism.
  • If the defendant has certain health issues then the presence of certain bodily chemical can induce an incorrect result.
  • Use of certain mouthwashes or cosmetics can spike BAC readings.

Challenging Blood Test Results

Another means of determining BAC is through blood tests. However, a marvelous DUI lawyer can make a number of arguments to challenge the results. The blood was not drawn properly due to an inexperienced technician. The equipment was not maintained while there could have been a lapse in testing procedures.

If you are charged with a DUI offense hire a DUI lawyer as soon as possible. You can potentially face some serious penalties if you do not have experienced legal counselor handling your defense in the best possible manner and making sure all details are adhered too. 

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