Considering the recent events that have
transpired in America and continue to transpire, should you have a gun in your
car, home, or on your person when out and about? Do you feel safe in America?
How long will it take for the police to arrive? Will you even have a chance to
call them?
There are those that think more guns
(and bigger, deadlier guns) are the answer, some others who believe everyone
should have and know how to use a shotgun and a revolver, and then there are
those that think normal, everyday citizens should not be able to get their
hands on guns at all even if they live in a poor neighborhood and there life is
in jeopardy every day leaving and entering their home or if they believe
someone is stalking them and mace or a taser is just not going to get the job
done. Criminal defense lawyers are not the only people who talk about this.
Dangerous names
While the topic is still being heatedly
debated, we need to realize that for the moment, there are already some state
specific and federal gun laws which are in effect that we all need to abide by
irrespective of what our opinions are on the matter. Any family member that
allows there disturbed or dangerous child/relative access to a weapon and puts
others at risk or people are actually killed, they should be held accountable
in proportion to the events that unfold. Family members need to concerned if
they have a Jared Lee Loughner, Aaron Alexis,
Seung-Hui Cho, Christopher Harper-Mercer in their household.
Criminal defense lawyers confirm that in
the United States, a person is entitled to use a gun for self-defense, but
there are plenty of terms and conditions. Gun laws are extensive and there are
laws which clearly state when a person may use force to defend himself and when
a person may actually use a gun to defend himself.
There are also open and concealed carry
gun laws which are a little more specific to the state of jurisdiction and may
hence vary from state to state. If you need to know exactly what the law says
about open and concealed carry of a weapon in your state, then we suggest that
you seek help from a criminal defense attorney licensed to practice in your
Laws surrounding gun ownership and gun
Every state has laws regarding gun
registration, illegal firearms, and who is banned from using firearms. OJ
Simpson is banned for instance because of multiple transgressions with the law.
Convicted felons, people that are
clinically insane, etc. are disallowed from owning guns for obvious reasons.
In some states, certain types of guns
are disallowed. Usually, automatic weapons and firearms with silencers are now
legal for civilians to carry. Therefore, if you intend to legally purchase and
register a gun in your state for the purpose of self-defense, then you need to
ensure that the gun you want to buy is legal to purchase in your state.
Furthermore, if you plan on carrying
this weapon around in a handbag or in a jacket pocket, then you will not only
require a gun license but another license specifically for concealed carry. The
specifics on how to acquire this license and what the license entails may vary
from state to state. There may be charges applicable if you are found in
possession of a gun following a DUI stop or accident.
Self-defense laws
Laws governing self-defense are not as
straightforward as one may assume. Just because someone threw the first punch
or made a violent threat does not mean you can go ahead and unleash violence on
them. Now if your country is being invaded by another country, that is when you
can use your weapon. The Chinese in 1937, Nanking, were invaded by the Japanese
and all sort of violence ensued. All sorts of rape and chaos, the Chinese did
not have any guns to defend themselves with. Another example, the riots in LA, which constitutes general chaos, this is another example on when you may want to have a gun. What
happens if you call the police and they are pre-occupied?
But you cannot just
shoot someone because they looked at you funny. You can walk away though and
arm yourself just in case that person is coming your way.
In most states, if you are under attack
or are being threatened of an imminent attack, you are required to either
retreat if possible without undertaking in physical action or use only
sufficient force to hold off the attacker. But if you are inside your home that
is entirely different and if you on your own property, the situation changes
If you are charged
with a crime for any gun-related matter, make sure to speak with a
criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible. A legal pro can offer sound advice
on specific laws relevant to your case and effectively represent you in a
criminal case, if necessary.
Bullets travel far and fast but not as
far and as fast as this website (, respectively. If
you need legal help contact us or use this website to find that legal help that
can help you thwart some or all the charges coming your way.