For the most part, possessing illegal
drugs may be classified as a misdemeanor or a felony. Either way it is a crime,
but the consequences vary significantly depending on whether you are charged
with a misdemeanor or a felony.
While determining if the drug possession
charge should be a felony charge or not, the prosecution considers the drug in
question, the amount of drug that was found to be in the suspects possession,
prior criminal history, and whether or not there was any intent to sell these
drugs for profit or if the suspect possessed it for just personal use.
If you just had a small amount of
marijuana like the dudes on the beach in Point Break then no big deal but if
you had large quantities of drugs that have the ability to form real objects
like Catherine Zeta-Jones’s character did in Traffic that is entirely different
There are also some other aggravating
factors which criminal defense lawyers say can escalate a misdemeanor drug
possession charge to a felony drug possession charge. This includes things such
as possession in or around school grounds, selling to underage persons, driving
under the influence, and more.
In this write up, we will provide a
brief on different situations where someone arrested for drug possession may
end up being charged with a felony drug possession charge instead of a
However, please treat this article as an
informational guide only. The laws vary from state to state, and if you need to
know the exact laws in effect in your state, it is prudent and sagacious to
consult a criminal defense attorney in your particular state to understand what
legal options you have in your case or in your situation.
and amount of drug in possession
To begin with, the prosecution will
obviously consider the drug in question and also how much of it was being
carried around or in the suspect’s possession. Some hard drugs which are dangerous
and highly addictive are classified as schedule I drugs, and possession of
these substances will undoubtedly lead to a felony charge. Examples of schedule
I drugs are substances such as heroin, crystal meth, cocaine, etc.
If you are “cooking” an RV full of meth
like Walter White and Jesse Pinkman were doing in Breaking Bad, you probably
are crossing some sort of line (of course if it was legal, there would be some
sanity to this situation but that is another story).
On the other hand, drugs such as
marijuana are not considered dangerous or highly addictive (even though it is
still illegal in many states much to the dismay of common sense, logic, and
hypocrisy) and so marijuana possession will be handled as a misdemeanor charge
according to criminal defense lawyers. Many people believe the worst drug of
them all is alcohol but that too is another topic entirely.
The second factor that comes into play
is the amount of the substance being carried. So for instance, even though
marijuana is not a schedule I drug, carrying a lot of it (enough to not come
under personal use) will still be charged as a felony as in these cases it may
be argued and proved that there was intent to sell for a profit. You can sell
alcohol and cigarettes (if you have a license) for a profit but not marijuana
in some states – this makes little sense but it is a fact.
Another factor is whether or not there
were any aggravating factors in the case. In most states, the following will
classify as aggravating factors and lead to a felony charge being filed:
- Repeat offenders
- Near or inside school premises
- In the proximity of certain public buildings, parks, pools, etc.
- Near a rehabilitation center
- To or near the presence of a minor
If you have been charged
with felony drug possession, you need to act quickly and contact a criminal
defense lawyer as soon as possible. The outcome of your legal representatives’
efforts will potentially shape your life for years to come.
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