Thursday, March 3, 2016

How domestic violence can affect child custody?

For the most part, there are certain legal ways in which domestic violence affects child custody. If you are violently abused by your partner, but are still not sure how you can react especially when you have kids, don’t hesitate to seek legal counsel. Divorce lawyers in Philadelphia, PA reiterate that it is important to fight for your legal rights right away. Here are some steps that you must take before you decide to separate from your partner.

Keep records of abuse

Pennsylvania divorce lawyers stress that it is paramount to maintain a journal detailing incidents of every physical and emotional abuse. The date, time, and description of how you were abused and what injuries you sustained as a result of the abuse must be noted. This journal can be presented as evidence before a judge and can play a vital role in protecting you from your abusive spouse.

This is something that Skyler White should have been doing in the show Breaking Bad. Her psychotic husband, Walter White, was a train wreck as what was proven in the show which was totally fiction and unrealistic but entertaining nonetheless.

Plan a safe exit in case the abuse gets out of hand

The most dangerous time is when you finally decide to leave your spouse for good. This is a time you can most expect bitterness and retaliation. Therefore, it is wise to plan your exit carefully by stashing cash at a place where your spouse has no access and set aside a bag of clothes with a friend or a relative.

Think of a safe house where you can stay for some time without your partner’s knowledge. Do not go to your mom’s or your friend’s place where you can be easily traced. Identify a few hotels and shelters where you can take your kids. Well, you can go to your parent’s home if they have a gun in their home and/or the police can easily be called if that is what needs to happen.

If you are married to a psycho like Walter White you need to watch your children since he is willing to take off with them.

Get legal custody of your kids as soon as you leave your spouse

If you have been forced to leave your spouse in a hurry make sure to obtain a legal custody order so that you can keep your kids with you and away from potential danger. You must also get a restraining order if you fear retribution. Obtaining this custody order is vital say Philadelphia, PA divorce attorneys otherwise you could be charged with kidnapping.

Remember, emergency legal custody is short term. Long term custody is only granted during divorce proceedings. The judge makes a custody decision in accordance with state laws which mandate that courts consider the safety of the children in cases which involve domestic violence.

No parent should be around a child that compels them to sell drugs on the street corner so they do not have to work. This happened in The Wire, season 4. De’Londa forces her son, Namond, to sell drugs rather than study or play sports. Good thing Wee-Bey puts an end to this after he receives some advice from a former police lieutenant. It is incredible how destructive some parents are to their own children, very sad.


Philadelphia, PA divorce lawyers also point out that legally even an abusive parent is granted visitation rights as long as he has no history of hurting the children. You can impose certain conditions. You can ask the court to order supervised visitation or that your partner must not drink during the meeting and that they must bring certain individuals to the meeting.

You can ask your partner to pick the kids up from a neutral location or ask a neutral third party to pick the kids up if you are afraid to meet him. Ask your partner to meet the kids at a public place such as a restaurant, park, or a police station if you are going to drop off the kids yourself.

Divorces that involve domestic violence are messy and disruptive. However, as long as you have help from an experienced divorce lawyer in Pennsylvania you will not only protect yourself but make the right choices during those troubled times. Whether you have issues with child custody, child support, visitation, alimony, or other any other sensitive divorce related issues, your legal counselor can help put you on the right track.

This process is difficult. Finding legal help is not. Go right here:

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