Who can be sued in a truck accident case
involving injury or death?
(Multnomah, OR) – March 3rd,
2016 – Any party that was directly or indirectly or even vicariously
responsible for an Oregon truck accident and its subsequent injuries, damages,
and/or deaths may very well be held responsible in a court of law and made to
compensate victims for the economic, non-economic, and punitive damages
inflicted upon them.
If you are or have been the victim of a
negligently caused truck accident, then the best course of action in order to
recover damages would be to reach out to a truck accident lawyer in Oregon to
discuss with and so they can evaluate your case.
Your legal professional will be able to
give you a fair idea of how much your truck
accident claim may be worth and will also be able to highlight the
strengths and weaknesses in your case and your chances of winning your case.
Furthermore, even if you decide to
settle the case out of court (which a lot of people choose to do considering
that litigation involves a lot of expenses, time, and effort), your legal
counselor will be able to negotiate effectively with the insurer and potential
defendants in the case.
Keep in mind that the trucking company
will send accident insurance adjustors to approach you and coax you into
accepting a settlement that may only be a fraction of what you could actually
receive if you were to file a lawsuit. Therefore, you need a professional on
your side too. This is a legal professional, not a professional with the skills
of Léon in the somewhat boring movie The Professional.
Who are the liable parties in a truck
accident claim?
According to Multnomah, OR truck
accident attorneys, contrary to what most people blindly assume, it is not only
the truck driver that may be held responsible for the damages
resulting from a truck accident. It depends on several factors
surrounding each case, but generally, the trucking company, the insurers, the
truck manufacturers, truck lessors, truck owners, government bodies, and even
servicing companies can be sued for a truck accident.
The truck company – It is the trucking
company’s responsibility to ensure that their drivers are fully qualified,
licensed, and competent to embark on their trips. They also are required to
ensure that the driver does not violate his/her maximum hours per week. If
these responsibilities have been breached, then the truck company can be sued
by Multnomah, OR truck accident lawyers.
Truck manufacturers – When a truck has
inherent manufacturing defects, then obviously the manufacturers can be held
liable and similarly so can truck servicing firms (when service standards
haven’t been met).
But if the truck is damaged on purpose
like the buses were at the end of the movie Red Heat when Ivan Danko (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
and Viktor Rostavili (Ed O’Ross) purposely crashed them, that would not be the
manufacture’s fault.
Government bodies that can be held
responsible for a truck accident
Government bodies can also be held
responsible for the damages in certain cases. This includes cases where the
accident was a result of poor road lighting, flawed road design, insufficient
or missing road signs, broken signals, etc.
Besides, there are many other common
causes for truck accidents.
If you or a loved one is a victim of a truck accident, make sure to
speak with an Oregon truck accident lawyer as soon as possible. You have the
right to claim compensation for all those paychecks you’ve missed and medical
expenses incurred. After all, this is not your fault this happened right!?
Who is responsible for allowing you to
find a marvelous truck accident lawyer right around the virtual corner? We are.
Go right here: Truck-Accident.USAttorneys. Your financial future is up in the air. You need legal help like OJ
Simpson did in 1995 when he was on trial for multiple murders. You can contact
us if you have any questions. Do not sign anything with anyone until you have
spoken with and secured a legal representative. Using that website, this can be
achieved in a few minutes.
If you are in the hospital and you
cannot access a computer, have someone you trust get on the site and make the
phone call for you.