Friday, March 25, 2016

Framingham Immigrants are in the Custody of Immigration Officials

Charges against four illegal immigrants connected to an alleged kidnapping and rape case in Framingham were dropped by prosecutors, citing insufficient evidence.  

However, the Boston Herald reported that all four will now be turned over to immigration officials and they will need immigration lawyers to help them if they want to remain in this country which it seems they have been up to no good and not trying to pursue that American dream (though the American dream is on life support with President Obama’s economic policies).

At a dangerousness hearing recently held in the Framingham District Court, Joe Gentile – the Assistant District Attorney, said if they were called to testify, the alleged victims indicated they would plead their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. But they are illegal! They have this right?

Police said that the victim and her boyfriend were taking a walk and enjoying a warm evening when a man carrying a beer approached them and another grabbed her by her sweatshirt hood and dragged her away into a building, where she was held down and raped. The boyfriend told police that he forced his way into the apartment and called 911.

It has been reported that two of the accused men had previously been deported to Guatemala once before. They apparently have chosen not to make use of themselves there or here.

Ariel Diaz, 24 and his brother his brother, Elmer Diaz, 19 are said to have been deported back to Guatemala in May of 2014 after being convicted for not just drunken driving but also disorderly conduct. Their immigration lawyer could not do anything for them. It is reported that a friend by the name Marlon Josue Jarquin-Felipe, 27, and another brother, Adan Diaz, 32, had also been charged in the case. The four suspects are all from Guatemala. ICE said that in April 2014, Jarquin-Felipe was also deported back to his homeland. They must like paying lots of money to come back to America.

ICE also reported that Ariel Diaz was also arrested on a drunken driving charge this winter. According to Boston Globe, immigration officials claim that Ariel Diaz was arrested in December 2015 but they were not notified of the arrest, for reasons unknown. Probably because sanctuary cities in America do not care about protecting Americans, political correctness trumps reason.

Did they rape her or not? How is there confusion with this?

Protecting the Rights of Illegal Immigrants

There are some rights under the US Constitution given to immigrants who are undocumented and yet living and working in the United States, despite their unlawful immigration status and their destructive and violent tendencies and actions. Certain basic human rights addressed by aspects of the Constitution apply to everyone, even those who do not have proper documentation and who have no dignity or compunction. In some states, illegal immigrants are granted various rights, as well. California, in fact, allows criminal illegal aliens to wonder the streets and harm Americans and the local police force put this person back into society like it is no big deal.

Constitutional Rights

Even if you are in the United States without proper immigration documents or permission, there are various sections of the US Constitution that apply to you and your immigration attorney will help you out in this capacity. A particularly important Fourteenth Amendment provision states that no person will be deprived of life, liberty, or even property by the state, without due process of law; nor deny the equal protection of the laws to anyone within its jurisdiction.

Various criminal amendments to the Constitution that are charge-related (including the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and 14th) also apply. These offer protection to undocumented immigrants against self-incrimination and illegal search and seizure by law enforcement authorities (without probable cause and a warrant).

Undocumented immigrants also have the rights to file lawsuits in federal court, such as discrimination suits. State laws vary, but in some jurisdictions, an undocumented immigrant also has the right to file a lawsuit in state court. In California, illegal immigrants can even use social services like food stamps and welfare without paying any income taxes, knowing English, and driving without knowing English as well.

Defense against Removal

You have the right to a defense to fight against deportation or removal from the US if you are discovered by immigration officials as living illegally in the country and you have the right to a hearing before an Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) immigration judge. This is unless you have returned to the country after being ordered to deport previously. In most cases, the US government cannot send you home without your appearance in this hearing.

You also have the right to representation in immigration court by an immigration lawyer, but it is not necessary for the US government to pay for one on your behalf. Low-cost legal help may be available from a charitable organization that offers services to immigrants but they do not have the time to work that hard for you because of the demands to their schedule.

If you are in need of an immigration lawyer to represent you in an immigration issue, they are available if you press right here: Immigration.USAttorneys. You can protect your rights and make sure that you receive the best legal assistance that exists. Do it the right way the first time! 

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