Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Can a doctor be sued for medical malpractice following a botched endoscopy?

Endoscopy is a pretty common medical procedure and is a relatively safe medical test. There are some side effects but they are usually not life threatening or serious. However, since it is an invasive procedure it carries some amount of risk. Medical malpractice lawsuits can be brought against doctors and medical technicians if the procedure has resulted in serious injury causing severe trauma and Marietta, GA medical malpractice lawyers would be the ones leading the charge.

What are the different types of endoscopy?

This procedure is conducted with the help of a plastic tube better known as an endoscope. The endoscope contains a camera and light attached to the tube. The endoscope can be inserted from the mouth or through the rectum. It inspects your gastro-intestinal tracks. Other than an inspection the device can also perform a number of functions such as removal of tissues for biopsy as well as pre-cancerous polyps. It can also carry out procedures to plug ulcers and prevent bleedings and is also widely used to remove gall stones.

Risks of Endoscopy

Severe injuries rarely happen. But since it is an invasive procedure it carries certain risk. Often during removal of polyps bleeding can happen. There might be some scarring and post procedure infection. Sedation side effects too are fairly common. The most serious injury is caused due to perforations of any of the organs or the stomach wall itself.

What are ways to ascertain negligence in an endoscopy?

Georgia medical malpractice attorneys proclaim it is vital to understand that bleedings, infections, and side effects from sedation are common. These outcomes might have caused physical pain but is not due to negligence on the part of doctors. Unfortunately, these are foreseeable after effects and medical practitioners always make their patients aware of the fallouts before commencing to this procedure. Therefore, you cannot file a medical malpractice suit against doctors or the hospital or claim hospital neglect in such circumstances.

The only exception is when a perforation of any of the internal organs occurred during the procedure, resulting in consequent surgeries, hospitalization, long term health impairment such as paralysis or diabetes, immense physical and mental trauma, loss of income, and in some extreme cases loss of an organ.

This does happen. Not every doctor is House!

A perforation will seldom happen under the supervision of a skilled medical practitioner. This means negligence is highly probable if a patient has suffered from a perforated stomach wall. In these cases a jury will evaluate the findings of medical witnesses from both sides before delivering a malpractice or hospital neglect verdict and Marietta, GA medical malpractice lawyers will be involved every step of the way.

How much damage can you expect to be granted?

The amount of compensation for your medical malpractice claim will depend on the number of factors. Some state-laws place a cap on the limit of damage that can be claimed by plaintiffs. In Georgia, $350,000 for each defendant is the cap and $1.050 million is the cap for all defendants – this is for non-economic damages. This was established in 2005 and Georgia does not have a cap for medical malpractice compensation damages just for non-economic damages. The damage depends on the degree of harassment, physical pain, medical bills, mental trauma, as well as on the loss of income which you might have suffered.

You must remember proving medical practice or hospital neglect in endoscopy procedures is very tough. This is why you ought to reach out to a medical malpractice lawyer in Georgia as soon as you discover your injuries and feel it may be the result of your doctor’s negligence. Medical malpractice is a complicated legal field which is why you ought to choose a legal professional or law firm with an excellent track record. You can do so if you click right here: Medical-Malpractice.USAttorneys.

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