Monday, March 14, 2016

Automobile Company Johnson Controls Responds to Hilary Clinton’s Criticism

After being repeatedly prodded by democratic presidential nominee Hilary Clinton for allegedly turning its back on America during the controversial and highly expensive auto industry bail out that was mainly to save the same union jobs that put GM (along with bad management) into bankruptcy in the first place, Johnson Controls, a Milwaukee based Auto Company made a statement through its Chief Executive Officer Alex Mollinarolli in which he said that the accusations against the company were wrongful and false.

Hillary saying something wrong and false? That seems to be something she has been doing for decades now.

He denied that the company was in financial turmoil and had asked the federal government for funds in the year 2008. However, Mollinarolli did not directly reference Hilary Clinton in the statement, as reported by USA Today.

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Companies Moving Abroad to Decrease US Tax Liability

The company has recently come under fire for supposedly tax avoiding corporate inversion plan where the company is set to undergo a merger with Tyco and will shift their headquarters from Milwaukee to Tyco’s home in Cork, Ireland. According to tax lawyers, a lot of corporate companies are doing this now in order to reduce their United States tax liability.

Why President Obama does not lower America’s corporate tax which is the highest in the world boggles many peoples’ minds.

There are some loop holes in the tax system which such corporate houses have to use to remain afloat. After paying about 10 different taxes, companies have to be smart in this President Obama continued recession (America’s GDP now is about 0%). Companies are acquiring other foreign companies of a similar size through a merger and then moving their headquarters abroad so that they are not liable to pay tax here with their tax attorney’s advice.

Even though the number of companies doing this are growing by the week, the beleaguered and possibly soon to be criminally indicted if the Justice Department is honest, Hilary Clinton particularly singled out Johnson Controls as she said they had taken a load from the federal government so that they could stay afloat and now they are moving to Europe to save money. Well, how come Hillary does not advocate lowering the corporate tax so American companies do not feel the need to do this?

Why is America uncompetitive Hillary? Why are your policies killing American jobs?

In this statement, the Chief Executive Officer – Alex Molinaroli further added in his comments that the accusations against Johnson Controls were false and that making up such claims against corporate America had become a recurring theme in the currently on going presidential campaigning season.

Pharmaceutical Powerhouse Pfizer Allegedly Attempting to Evade the Tax Man

The pharmaceutical giant, Pfizer, which could possibly have the cure for cancer if it did not have to pay so many taxes is alleged to be trying to dodge paying Uncle Sam in the order of a staggering $35 billion by forming a merger with Ireland’s pharmaceutical giant Allergan and thereby moving their headquarters to Ireland. Tax lawyers have seen this coming. Why get ripped off by a greedy American government, a White House has no respect for the private sector, when you do not have to.

Why do Democrats hate business so much? Do they want Americans to have jobs or do they want everyone to be hooked on to their free government handouts?  

According to USA Today, even though the Obama administration has taken action and has outlawed (in progress) such deals on the basis that they will take wealth away from America because America right now is currently not a competitive nation to do business in, there are some deals that may go through before this anti-business goes into effect.

An anti-business member of the anti-business Public Citizen’s Congress Watch criticized Pfizer in the same manner Americans have heard time and time again from the left. They tossed in that Pfizer is raising its prices on its drugs as well. Of course they are, taxes continue to go up! What is ironic is that businesses do this because of the left themselves. If America did not have a left, then millions of high paying jobs and trillions of dollars would be in America not outside of it.

If you need help with a tax lawsuit or if you are the victim of a tax fraud, we suggest that you consult with a tax lawyer to understand what your legal options are. 

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