Friday, January 15, 2016

What are the Legal Options if you are Hit by a Drunk Driver?

If you have been injured by a drunk driver your chances of winning a lawsuit are bright as long as you have sufficient proof and a competent lawyer by your side. For the most part, lawsuits involve time and money and this is why you ought to first consider approaching the driver’s insurer for a speedy recovery of you financial losses.

In the opinion of Dallas, TX drunk driving accident lawyers and one of the best in the field is Robert Gregg, in DUI accident cases, there is always the possibility that the jury will empathize with the victim. The jury is often more likely to award the plaintiff handsomely for suffering from injuries that were a result of a drunk drivers negligent actions. 

However, the plaintiff has a tough choice. He/she has to choose between a time-consuming lawsuit which can be financially draining or a simple claim from the driver’s insurance coverage. The latter, as mentioned, is a speedier alternative without doubt. However, if you can win a drunk driving accident lawsuit the financial benefits are potentially more likely to be much greater.

In DUI Accidents, Insurance Claims can be the Best Option

State laws mandate that every driver be covered with insurance, which is why the best approach is to make a claim with the drunk driver’s insurer. However, Northeast or Dallas drunk driving accident lawyers such as Robert Gregg say that this will depend on three factors. For instance, if you are gravely injured, the driver’s insurance might prove insufficient to cover your expenses. Hence a lawsuit becomes the only alternative. Secondly, if you find out that the driver is plainly underinsured. Third, if there are multiple victims then the insurance might be insufficient to cover the damages.

These are not easy decisions. Moreover, if you are hurt you have other fish to fry. Making legal decisions and trying to become an overnight lawyer is not wise. This is where Robert Gregg comes into the picture. You can find him right here: He knows how to win cases and how to attack the other side. The opposition may not crumble in the site of his legal talent but it will respect your case since Robert Gregg knows how to put a strong one together.

If the Driver has Prior a DUI Conviction You can Win Big

Most DUI violations involve drivers who are habitual offenders. If this is the case then the driver’s insurer will be eager to have their insurance adjusters settle with you as soon as possible. They will definitely not want a lawsuit as the chances of their client winning the case is bleak.

Moreover, the driver might be asked to pay millions of dollars as damages for grave bodily harm and for other financial or emotional loss that the victim(s) have suffered as a result of their injuries. Note that even while negotiating with the insurance companies you must have your legal representative present.

Social Host and Dram Shop Liability

Along with the driver the victim can also file a lawsuit against individuals and institutions that has served the alcohol. For instance, Dallas, TX drunk driving accident attorneys acclaim that you can file a civil lawsuit against the bar, restaurant, or cocktail joint. In addition, the host of a party can also face civil case if he/she has served liquor to someone who was visibly drunk. If someone served alcohol to an underage person then he/she can be made answerable in a civil case.

You can also file a ‘negligent entrustment’ suit against someone who handed the keys of his/her car to a person who was clearly intoxicated. Remember, after an accident it is important to consult a Dallas drunk driving accident lawyer immediately. Your legal professional such as Robert Gregg will begin gathering evidence immediately before any of it can be contaminated, grow legs and walk away, or it is intentionally destroyed. Your prospects will be much stronger in his legal hands.  

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