Friday, January 15, 2016

Is it wise to admit guilt to your criminal defense lawyer?

For the most part, legal professionals are there to serve you whether you are a plaintiff or a defendant. When a criminal defense lawyer agrees to represent and defend you then that will be the sole objective of the lawyer, to defend you and help you beat your case.

Whether you are guilty or not is something the judge or jury will rule on. On the other hand, your legal professional is there to help and present you and your case in the best possible light so that you can beat your criminal charges and walk away free or at least not have the entire law book tossed at you.

Lawyer/client privilege

Many individuals charged or accused of a crime are wary about opening up to their criminal defense lawyers and tell them everything that transpired. They feel like this is an admission of guilt and that the lawyer may abandon them or worse still turn them in. However, this is far from the truth. Legal professionals are under oath and can themselves be sued if they were to disclose any confidential information that you shared with them, just like how a psychotherapist can be sued if they were to divulge your personal information, thoughts, etc.

The show The Good Wife talks about this a lot and it is vital, it is sacrosanct. Journalists and psychologists are the same rules, they can keep information only to themselves and the Constitution allows this to happen for strong and true reason.

Remember that a criminal defense lawyer is a professional and will wants to beat your case just as much as you do. However, without all the right information, your legal representative’s hands will be tied and there will not be much they can do to assist or defend you in a court room. This is why we strongly recommend that you practice full disclosure with your lawyer if you are serious about being acquitted of your charges.

Dishing out the dirt to your criminal defense lawyer

It is important to select the right legal pro. When you can find and appoint a legal representative that you have a connection with and feel comfortable with, it is going to be a whole lot easier to tell him or her everything about the case. This includes the good, the bad, and the ugly. Only once your legal representative knows everything there is to know can he or she get started on building a solid criminal defense strategy to protect you from the charges.

If you or someone you know have been charged with a crime, we strongly suggest that you do not waste any time in consulting a legal counselor to protect your rights. The prosecution will not wait for you to obtain legal help and get your ducks in order. They are on a timeline and have their statistics they want to keep sharp and fresh and it goes by the number of convictions they are able to check off.

Consequences of a criminal conviction

A single criminal conviction is enough to effectively ruin your career, social, and personal life. The conviction will remain on your record permanently (well, you may be able to get it expunged and you will need legal help for this too), whether you it is a DUI conviction or any other crime, and you will judged based on it whether you like it or not. Apart from the legal repercussions such as prison time and fines even your personal life will face a setback.

Your character in society will be tarnished and finding a job or keeping the one you already have will prove to be very evasive indeed. A criminal charge is beatable, so make sure to consult a criminal defense lawyer and get started today. Go right here to make this happen:

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