Thursday, December 10, 2015

What is a birth injury? What does this entail?

Expecting mothers hope for the most perfect of baby, and in most cases, obstetricians and gynecologists help them achieve their dream. However, sometimes things take can a vicious turn, and the result is a baby with birth defects. This happens either during the labor or the time of delivery.

Often times, such injuries cannot be avoided, owing to purely natural factors such as the position and size of a baby. And just because an injury took place, it doesn’t always mean medical malpractice as any Chicago IL medical malpractice lawyer can illustrate.

However, in certain situations, an injury could have been foreseen as well as avoided with appropriate medical care. Inability to meet the right standard of care, together with severe harm done to a mother or baby, can indeed constitute medical malpractice or hospital neglect. Illinois medical malpractice attorneys have carried the legal torch many times for cases such as this.

Types of birth injuries

Many birth injuries can initially seem mild that includes bruising, swelling, bloodshot eyes, and even a broken collarbone or arm. In healthy babies, such injuries heal rapidly. Then there are injuries that appear serious at birth, such as temporary paralysis of the arm or face that subside within a short time. As long as no permanent harm has occurred a case for a medical malpractice doesn’t exist.

A Chicago medical malpractice lawyer can move bridges but they cannot make your baby healthy or bring your baby back to life. There is some hope though. You can obtain restitution though for your baby's needless suffering. Go to this site to begin this process: 
However, there are birth injuries than turn out to be severe as well as long-term like cerebral palsy, Klumpke’s palsy, Erb’s palsy, bleeding in the brain, injured brain cells due to from a lack of oxygen, and seizure disorders.

A severe birth injury doesn’t always signify that a doctor acted improperly. He/she may have done all that any other doctor in a similar circumstance would have, but was yet unable to avoid the injury. In fact, the healthcare provider can be held responsible only if he/she performed the treatment negligently, and so made an error, causing lasting harm. Chicago, IL medical malpractice lawyers may or may not have to be needed.

Mistakes during childbirth

Major medical mistakes or hospital neglect during childbirth can be in the following forms:
  • Failure to foresee birth complications owing to the infant’s tangled umbilical cord or large size
  • Failure to observe as well as respond to symptoms of fetal distress
  • Failure to perform a cesarean section if found appropriate
  • Failure in the treatment for infection
  • Failure in giving proper medication
  • Inept use of vacuum extractor or forceps
A doctor can cause harm to the mother or baby before childbirth; at the time of pregnancy; inability to diagnose the mother’s medical condition such as preeclampsia hypoglycemia, Rh incompatibility, gestational diabetes or anemia; failure to single out potential birth defects; inability to observe ectopic pregnancies’; or the inability to diagnose a condition that would cause infection in the fetus.

Seek help from a medical malpractice lawyer

The laws as they apply to medical malpractice can be different from state to state. There is also a statute of limitations that sets a deadline for taking legal action. When injuries happen owing to negligence of the healthcare provider, you have the right to claim compensation for past and future medical costs, suffering and pain, disfigurement and disability, loss of normal life as well as future earnings.

Since medical malpractice or hospital neglect cases are difficult to prove, you need to hire an experienced and established Illinois medical malpractice lawyer to protect your rights and make sure you receive the compensation you rightfully deserve. Screaming and hollering will not due. That will just push the doctors and the nurses away. You will get less bees if you serve less honey. You need legal help but lashing out at everyone in the hospital will not bring more cooperation your way. 

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