Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Implicated in a DUI accident? What are the legal issues involved?

Thousands of people are killed every year as a result of alcohol related traffic accidents. This has made several states crack down heavily on DUI offenders. The penalties and punishments for DUI get increasingly severe and include jail time, hefty fines, license suspension, and much more.  

Here are some common indicators why the police pull over a driver suspected of DUI, according to Hamilton County, OH DUI lawyers.
  • When a driver turns his/her vehicle in a wide radius
  • When the driver straddles the lane marker or center
  • When the driver hits another object or vehicle
  • When the driver makes the car weave all over the road
  • When the driver drifts from his/her lane, swerves, or brakes irregularly
  • When the driver drives slowly/erratically or stops the vehicle without any cause
These actions can warn the police as well as other drivers about the presence of a drunk driver. However, collisions continue to happen and innumerable people become injured. Following a DUI accident, the drunk driver is duly investigated by the police at the scene of the car accident or in custody. If the driver’s BAC or blood alcohol content exceeds the legal limit set by the state, which is .08% in Ohio, then he/she can be imprisoned as well as punished for his/her actions.

If you need a Hamilton County, OH DUI lawyer then you should employ USAttorneys.com on your behalf. Any questions, contact us! We will probably call you back in an hour or so. 
Such punishments differ from one state to another, depending if anyone is injured or killed in the DUI auto accident. If no one is injured, the at-fault driver can be charged and later set free to await trial. If anyone is killed, the drunk driver will remain in jail until the trial, in the opinion of Ohio DUI attorneys.

Do not let your imagination soar regarding jail either. You will not be able to dig yourself out of that jail either using a small tool like Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins) did in The Shawshank Redemption. On top of that thought, that hole took about 15 years for him to dig. You may not be in prison for 15 years but even 15 hours is terrible.

Now if you kill someone because of drunk driving, you may be in prison for close to 15 years.

If you need a legal help press right here DUI-USAttorneys.com. Legal help is right around the virtual corner.

What to do if involved in a DUI auto accident

To begin with, call for emergency medical assistance. If anyone is hurt, report the status of the injuries as best as you can. The next thing is to dial 911 and report the car accident to the police. Don’t make any statements to police officers either orally or in writing. If you are suspected of causing the DUI accident, seek legal counsel prior to making any statement to the police.
If you are asked to undergo any kind of tests, cooperate with the testing process, although you are free to refuse it. However, not submitting to sobriety tests can invite criminal and administrative penalties in many states like Ohio that have adopted the implied consent law.

Under this law, Hamilton County, OH DUI lawyers explain that drivers automatically consent to sobriety tests when they are issued their driver’s license, which can be automatically suspended if the driver refuses to submit to such tests.

Obtain the names, phone numbers, and addresses of potential witnesses. Take pictures of the auto accident scene and the vehicle (all the vehicles involved). Don’t leave the scene of the car accident, as it will only lead to additional hit and run charges. If you damage another vehicle or property try to identify the owner. Most importantly, if you believe you can be arrested or charged with a DUI, then lose no time in hiring an Ohio DUI lawyer.

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