Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Injured in an auto accident while on the job? Here’s what you should know about employer liability….

If a car accident or any motor vehicle accident takes place when the driver is on duty for an employer, then there may be some employer liability involved. We often see this when a commercial truck driver is involved in a crash and the trucking operator or company (the employer of the truck) is held liable and sued.

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However, whether or not the employer is liable in an auto accident caused by an employer depends on a lot of other factors too when it comes to accident insurance claims and personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits, say car accident lawyers from Milwaukee, WI.

When Employee Liability comes into Play

There are basically two instances when the employer may be held liable for the damages caused in an auto accident and the legal terms for these are employer negligence and vicarious liability.

Employer negligence can further be classified into two, namely, employer negligence and negligent supervision.

Employer negligence is when, for example, the employer hired a new driver to operate one of their company vehicles, but failed to ensure that this new hire is a safe driver by performing checks on his driving record and the validity of his or her driver’s license.

It is also essential for the employer to ensure that the new employee does not suffer from any medical conditions which may put him or her at risk of causing an accident, etc. Wisconsin accident lawyers point out that the employer has a legal duty where they should exercise reasonable due diligence in order to verify that the driver is a safe driver.

Negligent supervision on the other hand is yet another way by which an employer can be held liable for damages resulting from an accident caused by their employee. This has to do with policies and safety standards set within the company and ensuring that all of these policies are strictly adhered to.

If the employer fails to supervise their employees, and make sure that they do not violate any state laws, federal laws, or their own company policies, then the accident victims can sue the employer and hold them liable for the accident.

Vicarious liability, Milwaukee, WI car accident lawyers explain, is the kind of liability in which the employer can be held responsible for the car accident and its consequent damages even though they were not directly negligent in anyway themselves. This kind of liability is based on the law which dictates that an agent’s actions are essentially the same as the actions of the principle directing the agent. So the employee can be seen as the agent and the employer as the principle directing the employee.

The only requirement here is that the employer was on duty and involved in some work for the employer at the time of the accident.

Employers can be liable for many things but when it comes to the federal government and Democrats, if the mainstream media supports you, you are not really liable when you should be. For instance, J. Christopher Stevens was the ambassador in Benghazi who was murdered by terrorists along with other Americans. This is after the English already pulled out, why did America decide to remain? Ambassador Stevens asked for protection, not enough came. When the attack was occurring, military support did not arrive for political reasons.

If the Republicans were in power, we all know they would be blamed but in this case, the truth was covered up and any investigation was delayed and the investigators did not receive the cooperation needed. The White House blamed it on a spontaneous uprising based on some video no one ever heard about which every honest person knows was not the truth. So, employers are liable in the private sector but when it comes to politics and government departments, some people seem to be above the law.

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Professional Legal Help is Critical

If you are a victim of an auto accident while on the job, you may have plenty of questions about liability, compensation, and other related issues. All you need is to reach out to an accident lawyer in Wisconsin to protect your rights. 

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