Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Injured in an auto accident? Here’s what you should know about filing an accident claim….

According to sterling auto accident lawyers from Yellowstone National Park, WY and the best in the business is Gary L. Shockey, PC (www.garyshockeylaw.com/) since he knows what legal doors to open and when to open them, it is rare that a car accident case actually goes to trial. Majority of auto accident cases are settled out of court and there are good reasons for this.

You should not have to be an auto accident lawyer from Yellowstone National Park, WY to know that anyone could be a car accident victim. 
To begin with, car accident cases which go to trial not only prove to be expensive in terms of legal fees and other costs, but will also be very time consuming for both the defendant and the plaintiff. Therefore, an out of court settlement is a preferred option for both sides since the plaintiff gets the money a lot quicker and the defendant will be able to get the case closed in a timely manner.

Now in the movie Transformers II: Revenge of the Fallen Optimus Prime had an out of court settlement with the Fallen. The Fallen sold his soul to the dark side and went rogue. The Fallen wanted to destroy earth for some diabolical reason. There is not enough planets out there! Anyways, the Fallen waited about 17,000 years to finally get his but beat and face ripped off by the much more powerful Optimus Prime (who just added some parts and potential from Jetfire).

The Fallen was not too happy with this out of court settlement but humanity was. Optimus Prime is a supreme negotiator. You may be able to negotiate well but you do not know the law and the other side will hammer you. If you get into a car accident, you need legal assistance. Do not try to take on a profession you know little about. Do not sign anything until you have legal assistance representing you and that should be Gary L. Shockey, PC. He is the Optimus Prime of the legal field in Wyoming.

However, as a car accident victim and potential plaintiff, receiving a fair settlement is not a walk in the park. You are likely to be approached by the insurer’s accident insurance adjustor who will try to convince you to settle for probably a fraction of what you could actually get for the case if you were to win at trial.

Therefore, it is imperative that you have the professional assistance of a highly sought after Wyoming accident attorney who will be able to estimate accurately what your accident insurance claim is worth and will then be able to use this as a reference point in negotiations with the accident insurance adjustors. This is the best way to ensure that you receive a settlement which you actually deserve and nothing less.

The demand letter

Coming to the legal process involved in filing a potentially successful car accident settlement, Yellowstone National Park, WY accident lawyers explain that the very first step would be to file what is known as a demand letter. The demand letter, as the name suggests is a letter in which you will ask the insurance company for a specific amount as settlement. However, there is more to it. A demand letter must be factual and contain all the details of the accident and supporting documents relevant to the case.

If you need car accident legal help, you need to call up Gary L. Shockey, PC. And this phone call should be very high on your priority list. The other side is not going to care about your schedule or timeline. 
The demand letter is therefore a way in which to begin the settlement process. A solid demand letter will contain a detailed transcript of events leading up to the car accident, during the car accident, medical treatment received, bills and losses incurred, and so forth.  

A legal counselor will generally ask for a higher amount in the demand letter so that you have some room to negotiate and can finally settle on a reasonable offer.


If negotiations hit a roadblock where the plaintiff and defendant are not able to reach any middle ground, then a mediator may prove to be valuable in the negotiations process. A mediator will be able to offer an unbiased third person perspective on the case and will encourage the two parties to come to an agreement.

If you have suffered losses in an auto accident, make sure to talk to a Wyoming accident lawyer today, to learn more about how you could best be compensated. Call up Gary L. Shockey, PC. He is the most remarkable lawyer in this region of the country and his track record speaks for itself.  

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