Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Do you believe you were unlawfully arrested? Here’s what you should know about resisting arrest….

In the past, American citizens were allowed to lawfully and legally use reasonable force up to a certain degree to resist what they considered an unlawful arrest. However, this inevitably fostered violence and the laws were amended, say Houston, TX criminal defense lawyers and there is none better in this regard than R.B. Bormaster & Associates P.C (

These amendments were passed in the majority of American states. For the most part, you cannot use force to any degree whatsoever in order to resist an arrest, be it a lawful arrest or an unlawful arrest.
In fact, resisting arrest is a criminal misdemeanor charge that on its own attracts certain legal consequences.            

How to Curb the Urge to Resist Arrest Using Force

We are all taught to fight for what we believe and stand up for ourselves while growing up and this is especially true for us Americans, we value our freedom and rightfully so. We are willing to fight for it unlike some people in the Middle East and so on who run when they see danger. In fact, some people even leave fighting equipment behind and run when they could have put up a decent fight.

Therefore, it is understandable that when you are arrested for no fault of your own or you are detained unlawfully or unconstitutionally where your rights are violated you will want to react and do everything in your power to stop it from happening. However, the bottom line is that it is illegal to resist arrest even if it is unlawful and it will only make matters worse for you.

Have you seen the movie The Fighter? Dicky Eklund (Christian Bale) had his fingers broke by the police when he was resisting and fighting the police. Now what happened to him was ridiculous and criminal, but it did happen. That police officer should have been fired but we do not know if that happened.

Stalwart criminal defense attorneys in Texas, and the best in the mighty city of Houston is R.B. Bormaster & Associates P.C. since they know what legal doors to open and when to open them, suggest that the best way to resist this urge is to remain calm and know that an arrest is only an arrest and not a conviction by any means. This holds well even if you are falsely arrested for a DUI.

Sometimes wrongful arrests do take place and you will get your chance in court to set things right. That is when you need to stand up for your freedom and for yourself. If it is found that you were unlawfully arrested, depending on the circumstances, you can go ahead and sue the police officer or the police department or the state for their grievous mistake.  

Now if you point a weapon at the police Houston, TX criminal defense lawyers, even those that are highly skilled like those who work at  R.B.Bormaster & Associates P.C., may have a harder time getting you off the charges that you will be facing. Call them though, the first meeting is free! They know this arena well. 
Innocent until Proven Guilty

Houston, TX criminal defense lawyers, and there is none better in this region than R.B. Bormaster & Associates P.C. since they have won thousands and thousands of dollars for past clients, reiterate that you are innocent until proven guilty. Therefore, being placed under arrest does not mean that you are guilty. It only means that you are a suspect. The judicial system will allow for you to plead – you can plead guilty or not guilty or with no contest.

If you believe you were unlawfully arrested or accused of a crime, you need the professional help of criminal defense lawyer in Texas to build a solid defense strategy to help beat your case and the best in the game right now is R.B. Bormaster & Associates P.C. – they may not hit baseball home runs but they certainly hit plenty of legal home runs.

A fantastic legal professional, such as R.B. Bormaster & Associates P.C., will take the time to talk to you in order to be able to determine under what circumstances you might have a defense even if you attempted to resist arrest. 

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