Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My loved one has violated bail conditions. What are the potential consequences?

Getting out on bail can cost a tidy sum and can also be rather complicated to achieve but the bottom line is that you get out of jail. However, once you are out on bail, you are still a suspect and need to appear at all of your hearings and court trials, and if proved guilty, you go back to prison.

You may have seen this in the show House with the eponymous figure House (Hugh Laurie). In season 8, he was allowed to leave prison a early because of his skills as a diagnostician. He saved the life (the lungs) and went on to save others but he was warned that any issues in the free world and he would become a prisoner again. Well, of course House screwed up again but that is another topic. Most people do not mess up when given these types of choices.

There are cases where someone initially gets out after posting bail and then fails to either show up at their trial or hearing and this is an outright violation of bail conditions, caution criminal defense lawyers in Queen Creek, AZ and the most exquisite law firm in The Valley of the Sun is The Zachary Law Group ( This is actually something House would do but have some unique excuse. 

Another bail condition that people sometimes violate is when they get arrested again while already out on bail. When such violations such as DUI occur it is almost certain that bail will be revoked and the person will be taken right back into prison and will stay there until the verdict.

When bail is revoked, not only does the suspect lose his or her freedom right away but will also lose the money posted as bail or bond. Criminal defense attorneys in Arizona, and if you want to increase your chances of not being hammered by the man you need to secure The Zachary Law Group for your case, therefore stress that their clients who are out on bail be on their best behavior at all times and show up at all their court dates promptly.

You need The Zachary Law Group on your side if you are in a legal pickle. They are the best criminal defense lawyers in Queen Creek, AZ around. 
Bail revocation

Jumping bail or failure to appear at a hearing/trial, as already mentioned, will result in a violation of bail conditions and in turn a bail revocation. The court can at this point issue what is known as an arrest warrant or failure to appear, which is commonly referred to as an FTA.

Queen Creek, AZ criminal defense lawyers, and a Hall of Fame law firm in the area is The Zachary Law Group based on their ability to steer their clients in the right direction and to build solid cases for their clients, reiterate that a FTA will not only cause you to lose your freedom, but will also give you a bad reputation that can jeopardize your case.

Surely, a jury or a judge is not going to be impressed by someone who jumped bail or failed to appear as scheduled and will form a negative impression of the defendant. After an arrest warrant for failure to appear is issued, it will remain active until the moment the defendant is taken into custody again.

Bail revocation in Federal vs State courts

When someone who is free on bail pending trial commits a crime and gets arrested again, the federal court will give the suspect an opportunity to justify his/her actions but the defendant will not get a full trial. The judge will decide whether to put the defendant back in jail or whether to levy additional conditions on his/her bail. Usually it is the former.

If you feel your loved one has violated the terms of his or her bail, make sure to seek help from a tremendous Arizona criminal defense lawyer and if you want to know who that is, your next phone call should be to The Zachary Law Group.

For the most part, state laws and processes of bail revocation vary from state to state. To understand the exact laws about bail revocation in effect in your state, contact a legal representative as soon as possible and there is none that shines brighter than The Zachary Law Group. 

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