Thursday, June 23, 2016

Is deferred sentencing a way to reduce my DUI charge to a lesser offense?

The majority of the states have employed what is known as the third strike rule meant to deal with repeat offenders, otherwise known as career criminals. The third strike rule is essentially where if a person has already served two prison sentences, then the third sentencing should be of a much lengthier duration irrespective of the crime committed, as long as it is a felony.

For the state to classify a person as a career criminal or habitual offender, he or she must have been handed a prison sentence and not probation or a deferred sentence. So what exactly is a deferred sentence?

A deferred sentence is basically when the suspect coordinates and abides by the conditions of his/her probation period and so the charges against him or her are dropped or dismissed without an actual conviction being noted in the record book.

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Tommy Gavin (see below) should have drank more water and less alcohol. But he was an amazing firefighter.  
Deferred sentencing in DUI cases?

However, Pasadena, CA DUI lawyers tell us that DUI cases are an exception. A lot of people tend to blindly assume that they can enter a plea deal or plea bargain with the prosecution, have it approved by the judge in charge and that their legal repercussions will be reduced. However, this is far from the truth. Such rules of enhancements and lesser penalties do not apply to drunken driving probation or deferred sentences in most states.

What is the difference between a deferred sentence and probation?

Because they are so often used or uttered in the same sentence, people tend to perceive that deferred sentence and probation is the same thing. However, Los Angeles County DUI attorneys clarify that they are separate and distinct legal procedures.

The similarity between the two is the fact that they both come into play when a defendant contemplates entering a plea bargain. In both cases you may find yourself subjected to some sort of a probation arrangement where you are required to report to a probation officer assigned to you.

Furthermore, in the opinion of Pasadena, CA DUI lawyers, you may also have to complete specified hours of community service, attend alcohol or drug rehabilitation, and pay monetary fines, to name a few.

If you are being charged with a DUI, hire a Pasadena, CA DUI lawyer. You do not want to perform in the courtroom like the 2015/2016 Lakers performed on the court. 
Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) in the hit show Rescue Me knew all about alcohol rehab. He was a drunk and he had to spend years going to rehab to deal with his problem. Mickey Gavin (Robert John Burke), his brother, probably saved his brother’s career (New York firefighter) and life since alcohol can destroy both.

However, the difference between the two is in your status moving forward. In probation, you are basically convicted as guilty but you do not have to serve prison time as long as you abide by the terms of your probation. This includes reporting as specified to your probation officer and that you do not indulge in any questionable activities going forward.

On the other hand, a deferred sentence is where the judge does not pass a ruling at all, so technically you are not found guilty. The judge will put a hold on convicting you as long as you comply with all the court’s terms.

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If you are arrested for drunk or drugged driving, make sure to seek help from a California DUI lawyer. Your legal pro will evaluate your case and formulate the best defense strategy to get the best possible outcome for you. In a tough world, you cannot beat that. 

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