Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Are you concerned about a DUI violation? Here’s what you should know….

Any individual found driving a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration or BAC of .08% or more is liable to be charged with DUI. For the most part you can be booked under DUI law when you get behind the wheel of a car in an impaired state due to the consumption of illegal and controlled substances, alcohol, or even prescribed medication.

One of the most important aspects of a DUI case is evidence. The judge considers evidence gathered at the time of the arrest, which is known as field evidence. In addition, the level of intoxication becomes a principal factor while deciding on the quantum of punishment.

According to Norfolk, VA DUI lawyers the common types of evidence submitted to the court include:
  • Any incriminating statements that the defendant made
  • The arresting officer’s testimony regarding the defendant’s physical demeanor and behavior
  • The officer’s testimony on the car driver’s reckless and unusual driving
  • The car driver’s behavior during the sobriety test
  • Photographs, videos, and audiotapes of the arrest location
Many of these tests can be challenged by the defense. This is not Cuba - human life matters here. 

If you receive a DUI ticket while driving your car, you need legal assistance. Not sure how to go about that? Go right here DUI-USAttorneys.com. This website has made this process much easier. Do not think you are good enough for legal assistance? This is America, every life matters.

Role of Police Officers in Determining Intoxication

When a police officer suspects an individual to be a DUI case he or she will request the car driver to pull over and ask for the license and registration. If the driver’s behavior is suspect then the officer may decide to conduct a field sobriety test.

If the driver refuses the test then his license can be immediately impounded under the implied consent law prevalent in many states like Virginia. In addition, if the DUI suspect fails the sobriety test then he or she is likely to be immediately arrested and charged, caution DUI attorneys in Virginia.

Apart from a field sobriety test, law enforcement officers usually conduct a breathalyzer test on the DUI suspect. However, the officers can conclude intoxication if they spot any sign of abnormal behavior even in the absence of a breathalyzer test. This includes and is not limited to the odor of alcohol on the car driver’s breath, slurred speech, and poor motoring abilities.

If you made a mistake and get written up for a DUI, you need a Norfolk, VA DUI lawyer.
Alcohol tolerance varies from one person to another. Even when an individual has consumed a significant amount of drugs or alcohol he or she might not show any signs of intoxication. Therefore, the defense counsel cannot claim their client cannot face prosecution merely based on this fact. For this very reason, the arresting officer is the primary witness in a DUI, say Norfolk, VA DUI lawyers.

Since seasoned police officers are considered credible witnesses the defendant’s legal pro never has an easy time getting his client off the hook. However, astute legal pros do have several ways to help their clients beat a DUI charge by making evidence inadmissible by challenging the breath, blood, and urine tests.

Now when it comes to getting off after committing crimes, no one did this better than Hector Juan Carlos 'Johnny' Tapia (Jordi Mollà) in the movie Bad Boys II. Then he would just sue the city which was basically egg in the police department’s face. Where was Dexter when you need him? Now this is just a movie and Tapia did have some extreme legal talent so do not assume that you can escape a DUI charge just because OJ beat his murder case (though he is in jail now for other crimes) and others have walked away after being acquitted.

Depending on the circumstances and moreover, a legal counselor can potentially make the police report inadmissible since it can be challenged as hearsay in many cases. Therefore, if you are concerned about a DUI violation it is sagacious seek help from a Virginia DUI lawyer right away. 

Click and call! Contact us if you have any questions. 

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