Thursday, May 26, 2016

What are the types of truck accidents and specific steps to take after an accident?

Big rig or semi-truck accidents are generally serious in nature given the sheer weight and size of these vehicles. Trucks, such as big rigs, semis, and 18-wheelers, are not subjected to the traditional traffic laws of the state.

They are governed by a separate set of exclusive trucking laws and furthermore, trucking operations are also subject to federal level trucking laws which are mandated by the FMSCA (Federal Motor Safety Carrier Administration). These laws are extensive, complicated and can vary depending on the state of jurisdiction, say truck accident lawyers in Santa Cruz, CA. They play a major role in determining liability and compensation in an accident.

Truck accidents can be brutal and truck accident lawyers in Santa Cruz, CA can verify this.
What are the different types of truck accidents?

Jackknifing – Jackknifing is one of the most common kinds of truck accidents. As the name suggests, this is when the trailer or the rear end of the commercial truck loses sync with the front end and begins to slide around from one side to the other. This sometimes results in the whole truck toppling over on its side. This type of crash is usually caused when brakes are applied at high speeds where the front comes to an abrupt stop but the back end still moves due to inertia.

Rollovers – Provided the height and weight of the truck, it is imperative that any payload is loaded as per the safety regulations. If the truck operator fails to do so, it could lead to incorrect weight distribution that causes inefficient braking and leaves the truck prone to rollover type of accidents, according to California truck accident attorneys.

Tire blowouts – Some commercial rigs have as many as 18 wheels. Additionally, they are subjected to hauling heavy payloads while travelling at high speeds. Tire blowouts cannot be ruled out and if and when they do happen, they can cause accidents.

Jeeper Creepers II was a horror movie made during the turn of the century. The antagonist was a make believe fictional character called The Creeper. In this movie he uses some sort of throwing steel dart or more like a ninja star to pop a hole in one of the bus’s tires. This causes a blowout. Now this movie is totally ridiculous but this is a perfect example of a blowout. You can obtain a blowout by a nail on the road or any other sharp object – even a sharp tree or plant root can puncture a tire.
If someone or something throws a steel ninja star at your tire and is successful in puncturing it, you have much bigger problems than dealing with a flat tire.

Lane changes –The blind spots in the cockpit of the truck are way bigger than any car or other automobile. While changing lanes, drivers that do not perform a diligent all round lookout beforehand can obliviously side swipe other vehicles, which could result in an accident.

Improper turning – Along with jackknifing this is one of the most common causes that account for over 50% of all truck accidents and subsequent accident claims and personal injury lawsuits.  

The Creeper could probably not use the Internet but The Creeper is not real. You do not have to be a computer or Internet magician to use this website Truck-Accident.USAttorneys to find yourself the legal talent you need. This website has a fantastic and simple user interface and has been the answer for thousands of people.

What to do after a truck accident?

After seeking medical treatment the first thing to do after a truck accident is to seek legal counsel. Truck accident claims are subject to a statute of limitations and so it is best for you to get started working on your lawsuit as soon as possible, suggest Santa Cruz, CA truck accident lawyers.

Depending on several factors, you will have to file a lawsuit and list the liable parties as defendants. You will also need to gather and present evidence to support your claims in order to win the lawsuit. A California truck accident lawyer can help you with all of this and more. 

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